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  • in reply to: No audio with 8.11.3: Linux server, Linux client #48005

    Thanks for the link!
    The hint about the ‘DefaultDesktopCommand’ was the solution:

    I changed it from the default

    env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY /usr/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session /usr/bin/startplasma-x11



    Now starting a session with ‘Create a new virtual desktop’ instead of ‘Create a new custom session’ works, too.

    Interesting detail I’ve learned:
    When starting with ‘Create a new custom session’ the option ‘Run the default x client script on the server’ didn’t use the command of ‘DefaultDesktopCommand’ from node.cfg!

    in reply to: No audio with 8.11.3: Linux server, Linux client #47936

    Somehow the screenshot has disappeared in my last post.

    The following error message appears:

    Ooop’s The session negotiation failed
    Error: Unexpected program termination.

    ‘session’ on client:

    59799 59799 2024-04-23 23:03:07 935.011 ClientSession: Failing reason is ‘The session negotiation failed.

    Error: Unexpected program termination.’.
    59799 59799 2024-04-23 23:03:07 941.408 ClientSession: Stopping session at 0x1e98c80.
    59799 59799 2024-04-23 23:03:07 948.475 ClientSession: Destroying display client.

    in reply to: No audio with 8.11.3: Linux server, Linux client #47926


    I don’t know why but I’m not able to start a virtual desktop.
    After about 2 seconds I always get (message/image missing)

    But meanwhile I’ve solved the problem with audio:
    After disabling pulseaudio in systemd with ‘sudo systemctl –global disable pulseaudio‘ for all users audio was working without problems!

    The reason it didn’t worked before seems to be that systemd is starting pulseaudio for users to early.
    So restarting pulseaudio within a session works, too.
    But I think it should be started by session management of NX.

    Looking at ‘systemctl status pulseaudio‘ before and after restart offers the difference:
    Before it was listening at ‘/var/run/users/…/pulse/native’ and after restart at ‘.nx/nxdevice/…/audio/native.socket’.

    I think this is perhaps only a systemd/Debian related problem.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Multi-monitors on client side not working #47636

    Meanwhile I solved the problem:

    nxplayer seems not to be able to arrange monitors by itself.
    Starting within a full desktop session on the client is no problem if the monitors are already arranged.
    But starting nxplayer without any help directly connecting with the X server is not enough.

    So I started nxplayer with ‘startx’ and put the following into ‘.xinintrc’ (name of the monitors ‘DP2’ and ‘HDMI2’):

    xrandr –output DP2 –primary –output HDMI2 –right-of DP2
    exec /usr/NX/bin/nxplayer

    Now the button ‘Fullscreen on all monitors’ appears and is working!

    And so I didn’t need to install a full desktop environment on the client.

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