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  • in reply to: New install – what do I need #21381

    Would you collect new server and client logs for this problem?

    1. Increase log level and turn automatic cleanup off:

    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --debug --enable all

    2. Reproduce the problem

    3. Collect server logs:

    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --debug --collect ( will be created).

    4. Collect logs from the client host (zip the folder %USERPROFILE%\.nx).

    in reply to: New install – what do I need #21352

    It seems original issue again:

    It looks like your X server started but it is not fully functional because no screen is attached to the video out.

    Did you repeat the steps to configure Xorg for headless use?

    in reply to: Wrong keyboard layout during login in Ubuntu #21323


    You can create a file 99-kb.conf in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d with content:

    greeter-setup-script=setxkbmap it

    It makes lightdm run the setxkbmap command just before launching the login screen, overriding other configurations.


    You have lightdm as well, so you can do the same (replace “it” with “de”).

    If you need to handle multiple layout, it is easier if you switch from lightdm to gdm and set the locale as seen above:

    sudo apt-get install gdm3 (and chose gdm as default display manager when you are asked)
    sudo systemctl stop lightdm
    sudo systemctl start gdm3
    sudo localectl set-x11-keymap de,us (setting the locale to get double layout in login screen)

    If you want to switch back to lightdm:
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
    sudo systemctl stop gdm3
    sudo systemctl start lightdm

    in reply to: New install – what do I need #21295

    Please check the NoMachine server log /usr/NX/var/log/nxserver.log and session logs in /usr/NX/var/log/node/C-../ . You can send logs by mail and we’ll take a look.

    Please check if KDE printed any message in your systemlog, try with: journalctl -f | grep -i kde.

    in reply to: Wrong keyboard layout during login in Ubuntu #21294


    Did you access a login screen like acki? In that case, please tell us the GNU/Linux distro and display manager (gdm, lightdm, kdm…) in use.
    Otherwise, please tell me: Is that a physical display sharing or a virtual desktop session?

    in reply to: Wrong keyboard layout during login in Ubuntu #21293


    I assumed your display manager was GDM. Can you confirm? cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager should provide a clue, as well as ps -C gdm3 -f and pstree $(pidof gdm3).

    In the posts above I wrote how to set multiple layouts in GDM login screen, so users connected from remote can choose the layout they want. I tried on my own on Ubuntu 18.04 with GDM and works as expected.

    in reply to: Wrong keyboard layout during login in Ubuntu #21274

    As client connects to a remote desktop, it leaves the keyboard layout unchanged to avoid messing with existing setting.

    To apply changes, you have to restart the display manager:

    systemctl restart gdm

    (is GDM your display manager?)

    If that doesn’t help, modify layout to “de” in the file /etc/default/keyboard and restart GDM again.

    in reply to: Wrong keyboard layout during login in Ubuntu #21252

    You need to change the system keyboard layout:

    localectl set-x11-keymap de

    You can specify multiple layouts (you’ll be able to chose in the login screen):

    localectl set-x11-keymap de,us

    in reply to: New install – what do I need #21243

    Yes, it is using the GPU already. Run a terminal in the KDE desktop and run the command glxinfo | grep -i render.
    If everything is OK, you’ll get “direct rendering: Yes” and “OpenGL renderer: NVIDIA Quadro”.

    in reply to: Mouse pointer disappears when window is dragged #21235

    It seems that Xvnc provides an empty shape to applications querying the state of the cursor (like NoMachine).

    Rather than using vnc, if you turned display manager (gdm) off NoMachine would start its own display server (that is not suitable if you need to keep the physical display on).

    Otherwise, try a different headless X server (like Xvfb).

    in reply to: Login prompt when trying to change server settings #21224

    Are users’ home folders located in an NFS share? In that case the default NFS behavior is that root user cannot access the mounted share (“root squashing”).

    Is that your case? Have you got the chance to try with NFS share temporarily mounted without root squashing?

    in reply to: Delay while typing in Visual Studio Code #21220

    Gerald, I made a mistake, sorry. The algorithm encoding images to PNG ignores the quality index. Playing with that value can’t lead to any improvement.

    There are some other lossless methods you could pass to the “pack=” option. All they set fast-encoding algorithms for images but with less regard to the bandwidth usage. Please try them so we can understand whether the problem is actually due to bandwidth usage rather than encoding speed.

    They are

    “bitmap” doesn’t compress the image at all, so the bandwidth usage will be huge.

    Such options can’t be set in the client, btw you can create customized per-user configuration files on server side: just copy node.cfg to <username>.node.cfg and do your changes there.

    in reply to: New install – what do I need #21214

    #1 and #2 are incompatible, as you need the X server running if you choose #2.


    Turn display manager off with the commands:
    sudo systemctl stop gdm
    sudo systemctl disable gdm

    If you need to turn it on again:
    sudo systemctl enable gdm
    sudo systemctl start gdm


    nvidia-xconfig manipulate the existing xorg.conf if it finds one. Create a backup copy of xorg.conf before proceeding, by the way.

    Yes, don’t add –use-display-device=None to the command line if there is no display output.

    in reply to: Login prompt when trying to change server settings #21195

    User 2097 should have permission to access dir /home/”username”/.nx

    Could you check it is the same running user interface and owning .nx dir? Please run the commands

    ps -C nxclient.bin -O euid,ruid,suid,luid
    ls -ldn /home/"username"/.nx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by graywolf.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by graywolf.
    in reply to: Login prompt when trying to change server settings #21186

    It seems privileged process cannot access directory /home/”username”/.nx

    Warning: Cannot access user NX directory ‘/home/”username”/.nx’.
    3080 3080 08:53:53 520,237 IoUtility: WARNING! Can’t create user directory ‘/home/”username”/.nx’. Error is ‘Keine Berechtigung’.
    3080 3080 08:53:53 520,249 IoUtility: WARNING! Can’t create user directory ‘.nx’. Error is ‘Keine Berechtigung’.

    In order to check the user id of the privileged process, please add this line to nxplayer script, between the added “env” and the “exec” command:

    ps -p $$ -O euid,ruid,suid,luid >&2

    and let we know the result.

    Thanks for you patience.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by graywolf.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by graywolf.
Viewing 15 posts - 271 through 285 (of 670 total)