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  • in reply to: Desktop not shared – Workstation #37651

    Sorry! I neglected

    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo rm -fr /usr/NX/
    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo rm -fr /etc/NX/
    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo rm -fr /var/NX/

    after which it *does* work. Thanks!

    in reply to: Desktop not shared – Workstation #37650

    dvr@dvrTW:~> rpm -qa |grep nomac
    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo rpm -e nomachine-workstation
    [sudo] password for root:
    NX> 702 Uninstalling: nxwebplayer version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 702 Uninstall log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxuninstall.log.
    NX> 702 Saving configuration file to: /usr/NX/etc/htd.cfg.backup.
    NX> 702 Deleting user: nxhtd from the system.
    NX> 702 Starting uninstall at: Tue Feb 22 09:55:43 2022.
    NX> 702 Uninstalling: nxserver version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 702 Uninstall log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxuninstall.log.
    NX> 702 Saving configuration file to: /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg.backup.
    NX> 702 Saving usb DB to: /usr/NX/etc/usb.db.backup.
    NX> 702 Uninstalling: nxnode version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 702 Uninstall log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxuninstall.log.
    NX> 702 Saving configuration file to: /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg.backup.
    NX> 702 Deleting user: nx from the system.
    NX> 702 Uninstalling: nxplayer version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 702 Uninstall log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxuninstall.log.
    NX> 702 Uninstalling USB module.
    NX> 702 Uninstalling: nxclient version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 702 Uninstall log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxuninstall.log.
    NX> 702 Uninstall completed at: Tue Feb 22 09:55:57 2022.
    dvr@dvrTW:~> rm -fr .nx
    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo rpm -ivh nomachine-workstation_7.8.2_1_x86_64.rpm
    Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
    Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
    Updating / installing...
    1:nomachine-workstation-7.8.2-1    ################################# [100%]
    NX> 701 Starting update at: Tue Feb 22 09:56:41 2022.                                                                    10,0-1        All
    NX> 701 Updating: nxclient version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 701 Using installation profile: SUSE.
    NX> 701 Update log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxupdate.log.
    NX> 701 Updating: nxplayer version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 701 Using installation profile: SUSE.
    NX> 701 Update log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxupdate.log.
    NX> 700 Installing: nxnode version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 700 Using installation profile: SUSE.
    NX> 700 Install log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxinstall.log.
    /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxnode: line 10633: /etc/pam.d/su: No such file or directory
    NX> 700 Creating configuration in: /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg.
    NX> 701 Updating: nxserver version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 701 Using installation profile: SUSE.
    NX> 701 Update log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxupdate.log.
    NX> 701 Saving configuration file to: /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg.backup.
    NX> 701 Creating configuration in: /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg.
    NX> 701 Updating: nxwebplayer version: 7.8.2.
    NX> 701 Using installation profile: SUSE.
    NX> 701 Update log is: /usr/NX/var/log/nxupdate.log.
    NX> 701 Update completed at: Tue Feb 22 09:56:52 2022.
    NX> 701 NoMachine was configured to run the following services:
    NX> 701 NX service on port: 4000
    NX> 701 HTTP service on port: 4080
    NX> 701 HTTPS service on port: 4443


    I can’t make an image small enough to show “No available Desktops”


    in reply to: Desktop not shared – Workstation #37615

    It is understandably hard to get in touch, but then support is excellent, Thank You

    in reply to: Desktop not shared – Workstation #37604

    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –userlist
    NX> 149 NX users list
    Username NX administrator Redirected to Trusted physical for Trusted virtual for Screen sharing Access  Forwarded to
    -------- ---------------- ------------- -------------------- ------------------- -------------- ------- ------------
    dvr                                     all nodes and users                      enabled        enabled

    in reply to: Desktop not shared – Workstation #37600

    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo /etc/NX/nxserver --version
    NoMachine Workstation Evaluation – Version 7.8.2

    in reply to: Desktop not shared – Workstation #37595

    Thank you. I thought that I had done

    #  Copyright (c) 2001, 2022 NoMachine, http://www.nomachine.com.     #
    #  All rights reserved.                                              #

    # Specify the path of base directory where the NX software has been
    # installed.

    ServerRoot = “/usr/NX”
    PhysicalDesktopSharing 1
    PhysicalDesktopAuthorization 0


    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –subscription
    NX> 622 You appear to run an evaluation version due to expire
    NX> 622 on Fri Mar 18 20:04:39 CEST 2022. Please visit the
    NX> 622 NoMachine Web site at http://www.nomachine.com/
    NX> 622 to acquire a valid subscription.
    dvr@dvrTW:~> sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –status
    NX> 111 New connections to NoMachine server are enabled.
    NX> 161 Enabled service: nxserver.
    NX> 162 Disabled service: nxnode.
    NX> 161 Enabled service: nxd.
    NX> 161 Enabled service: nxhtd.

    Yet the issue percists


    in reply to: Waiting for desktop user to authorize #30498

    You explained so even this Bear of little brain understands perfectly. I can make it work for me, my customers would not be affected.

    One of the issues I have been dealing with is auto-login not working. I’d be foolish to say ‘I never did THAT’ but the behaviour HAS changed. So what!

    I’m more than happy to make debug logs if they will assist you, but it appears that NoMachine is working as intended. If the logs will help then please say, else thanks for the help.


    PS a comment: If userA knows userB exists and userB’s password then how is userA logging into userB’s session a securety risk?
    What can you do in a NoMachine session that you could not do with ssh?

    in reply to: Waiting for desktop user to authorize #30469

    Firstly thanks.
    I’m not your typical user 🙂
    Am dealing with a dozen or so machines, most amd64 some arch64.
    Desktop is mostly xfce4, some lxde some lxqt.
    50/50 mix of real machines and VMs. Most VMs are virtualbox, some are parallels.
    40/40/20 ubuntu (20.04 and 20.10), openSuSE 15.2, Debian buster.
    There is NO /etc/gdm* since gdm is not used.
    SuSE does not use wayland
    debian buster does not use wayland
    Don’t know howto (or even if) xubuntu uses wayland.

    in reply to: Waiting for desktop user to authorize #30449



    I’m connecting to various including xubuntu 20.xx where I believe I must deal with wayland and SuSE 15.2 where I believe wayland is not an issue.

    I downgraded and immediately connected. I tried to connect today and got the ‘waiting …’ message but I’m not certain of every detail so I’ll pedatically check.


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