Black Screen: iOS !NM 8.7.1 connecting to MacOS !NM 8.16.1_2

Forum / NoMachine for Mac / Black Screen: iOS !NM 8.7.1 connecting to MacOS !NM 8.16.1_2

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  • #51801

    Here I am again with another issue (sorry!) When I attempt connection to my MacBook Pro (MacOS Sequoia 15.3.1) I get a black screen on the !NM iOS client (iPhone 12 Pro Max). New behavior.

    I can sit next to the MacBook Pro I am attempting to see on the iPhone and I am in fact connected; I see the screen on the computer wake upon connection, and moving my finger around on the screen of the iPhone makes the cursor arrow move around correspondingly on the laptop, but the screen on the iPhone remains black.

    If I have the screen already awake on the MacBook Pro when I attempt to connect from the iPhone I can connect fine and see the screen of the laptop with no issues at all.

    Same behavior whether connecting through LAN internally or connecting externally with my IP address.

    Log files attached for you to take a look at..




    Hi, we need complete logs from the macOS machine; the ones you attached were only from the server component (we’d need the agent/node logs as well).

    You can extract all logs from the macOS server using the instructions here:

    Send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Please use the title of this topic as the subject of your email. Thanks!


    Ah thanks for that link on how to collect all of the log files.  Again, what I am seeing, on an iOS iPhone 12 Pro Max client (running ver. 8.7.1) and an Intel MacBook Pro (running ver. 8.16.1) is that for both LAN and outside External WAN IP address connection attempts, the client connects to the server and the server wakes up, but the client is in black screen. Moving the finger around on the black screen of the iPhone correspondingly moves around the arrow cursor on the MacBook, but this is not visible on the black screen of the client. If the MacBook is already awake, the client will connect and the screen of the MacBook is visible as normal on the iPhone client with no black screen.

    The ZIP file is too big to attach so I will email it to you…(I did reset and clear the logs before I started debug mode to catch the errors for demonstration).





    Hi Brian, did you send us the logs?


    Did you get my logs on email?



    Yes we did, sorry for not coming back to you to confirm. Developers have prepared a debug package for you, it contains a potential fix. Can we send you a link to download with further instructions?


    I’ll take it whenever you’re ready to send it….


    Check your inbox Brian.


    What in box are we referring to ? Nothing received in my email and if it is here on the website I’m not sure if I know where that is? Sorry!


    I sent an email to the email account with which you are registered on the forums. I’ll send again.

    Edited: just sent. If you have not received anything from us, reach out to us at info[at]nomachine[dot]com and we will respond from that.


    Got it now, thanks! Installed and an interesting result. When it connects for the first time the results are exactly the same as before:

    the client connects to the server and the server wakes up, but the client is in black screen. Moving the finger around on the black screen of the iPhone correspondingly moves around the arrow cursor on the MacBook, but this is not visible on the black screen of the client.

    Now however, after having installed your update, if I then disconnect from the server, and I reconnect once again, I am able to connect and see the server on my iOS client, apparently because the server has now been awaken (though it was in the previous instance as well so I’m not able to understand why dropping out and going back in works now.)

    This behavior is different than with my MacMini M1 where the computer wakes and connection is possible right from the very first attempt. So this is usable now, but wanted to throw these findings out to you for what it’s worth.




    That package has debug enabled so we would be interested in seeing the logs from the Macbook when you try to connect.  Send logs to forum[at]nomachine…..

    You can extract them using the usual instructions here: (see #2 Detailed instructions)

    Also, can you try connecting from your other Mac, the Mac Mini, to the Macbook instead from the iPhone?


    Hi Brian, just a quick update, the logs you submitted were useful but we need to debug deeper. We are preparing a new debug package and will send it soon.


    Noted with thanks!



    You should have received an email with a new link.

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