NX connection window disappears immediately after successful logging in

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / NX connection window disappears immediately after successful logging in

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  • #50565

    Server: NoMachine Workstation Subscription

    Client: NoMachine for Mac

    Upon successful connection to server, the remote desktop shows up on the client for a split second then closes itself.

    When above happened, the following messages were recorded in nxserver.log (with varying pid # each time):

    1147615 1147615 2024-10-31 18:57:55 755.153 NXNODE   WARNING! Process ‘/bin/ps –ppid 1147697 -o pid=’ with pid ‘1147826/1147826’ finished with exit code 1 after 0,031 seconds.

    1147615 1147615 2024-10-31 18:57:55 755.329 NXNODE   ERROR! Cannot list children of ‘1147697’.

    1147615 1147615 2024-10-31 18:57:55 755.374 NXNODE   WARNING! Cannot retrieve dbus session bus address.

    1147615 1147615 2024-10-31 18:57:56 580.546 NXNODE   WARNING! Process ‘/bin/bash –norc -c exec -a – /bin/bash -c ‘dbus-launch –exit-with-session gnome-session –session=ubuntu” with pid ‘1147697/1147697’ finished with exit code 1 after 1,123 seconds.

    1147615 1147615 2024-10-31 18:57:56 619.030 NXNODE   ERROR! Session application terminated abnormally

    Error: The remote application terminated unexpectedly.

    A similar issue was reported in: https://forum.nomachine.com/topic/handler-for-virtual-desktop-session-terminated-immediately

    Strangely, only one NX user in our team has this issue. The rest users can access the same NX server with no problem.

    I attached that user’s log etc. in tarballs. All feedback appreciated.


    Can you send us .xsession-errors or/and journalct(system logs) from the NoMachine Workstation Server?


    Here is the journalctl log corresponding to the issue:

    Nov 10 11:00:43 a6k dbus-daemon[2099323]: [session uid=1004 pid=2099321] AppArmor D-Bus mediation is enabled

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099384]: gnome-session-check-accelerated: GL Helper exited with code 512

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099384]: gnome-session-check-accelerated: GLES Helper exited with code 512

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Falling back to non-systemd startup procedure due to error: Could not connect: Co>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Falling back to non-systemd startup procedure due to error: Could not connect: Connection refused

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of QT_IM_MODULE=ibus environment varia>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus environment var>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-de>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- environment >

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of QT_IM_MODULE=ibus environment variable: Could not connect: >

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus environment variable: Could not connect>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated environment var>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- environment variable: Could not conn>

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Lost name on bus: org.gnome.SessionManager

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session[2099239]: gnome-session-binary[2099239]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry….

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: WARNING: Lost name on bus: org.gnome.SessionManager

    Nov 10 11:00:45 a6k gnome-session-binary[2099239]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry….


    Try changing the DefaultDesktopCommand key in node.cfg on the server by adding the --disable-acceleration-check option to the gnome-session command, e.g.:

    DefaultDesktopCommand "dbus-launch –exit-with-session gnome-session –session=ubuntu --disable-acceleration-check"


    Thanks for the advice. Does the NX server need to be restarted for this change to take effect? We made the change in node.cfg but haven’t restarted the NX server due to running jobs of other users, the issue seems to persist without the restart.

    Also, this change seems universal while the above issue is user specific: from the same computer/NX client, the issue can be reproduced using one user’s username/passwd, while other users can launch NX session without any issue.


    You don’t need to restart, the change will apply to any new virtual desktops. If there is no change when creating new virtual desktop sessions, it could be useful to see the journalctl after having applied the change to check what errors appear. But prior to that you should cleanup the gnome configuration in that specific user’s home.


    The journalctl log (pasted below) seemed identical to the old one.

    Under that specific user’s home folder, we didn’t find any file like ~/.gnome, ~/.gnome2, ~/.nautilus, ~/.gconf, etc. Here are the folders under ~/.config/

    • dconf
    • enchant
    • eog
    • evolution
    • gedit
    • goa-1.0
    • gtk-3.0
    • ibus
    • libreoffice
    • matplotlib
    • nautilus
    • pulse
    • update-notifier
    • user-dirs.dirs
    • user-dirs.locale
    • yelp

    Should we remove any of these folders to clean up the gnome config?

    New journalctl log:

    Nov 23 17:02:31 a6k dbus-daemon[2241824]: [session uid=1004 pid=2241821] AppArmor D-Bus mediation is enabled

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241834]: gnome-session-check-accelerated: GL Helper exited with code 512

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241834]: gnome-session-check-accelerated: GLES Helper exited with code 512

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Falling back to non-systemd startup procedure due to error: Could not connect: >

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of QT_IM_MODULE=ibus environment var>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus environment v>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is->

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- environmen>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Falling back to non-systemd startup procedure due to error: Could not connect: Connection refused

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of QT_IM_MODULE=ibus environment variable: Could not connect>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus environment variable: Could not conne>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=this-is-deprecated environment v>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Could not make bus activated clients aware of XDG_MENU_PREFIX=gnome- environment variable: Could not co>

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Lost name on bus: org.gnome.SessionManager

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session[2241692]: gnome-session-binary[2241692]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry….

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: WARNING: Lost name on bus: org.gnome.SessionManager

    Nov 23 17:02:33 a6k gnome-session-binary[2241692]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry….


    This issue has been solved by creating a new account for the affected user. The issue seemed isolated to that user’s old account.


    OK thanks for letting us know, most likely caused by some corrupt file in Gnome, and not NoMachine.

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