Squeezed screen on remote Windows 11 client when connecting to Ubuntu 24.04

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / Squeezed screen on remote Windows 11 client when connecting to Ubuntu 24.04

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  • #50872

    Dear NoMachine Support team,

    I hope you are doing well.

    I recently installed Ubuntu 24.04 LTS on a workstation, and set up the latest NoMachine version (8.14.2). When connecting from a Windows 11 client, the Ubuntu 24.04 display appears squeezed (please see the attached screenshot).

    However, I have no issues when accessing an Ubuntu 20.04 setup. I noticed that a similar issue was reported here: https://forum.nomachine.com/topic/ubuntu-24-04-showing-squeezed-screen-on-remote-windows-11-client 

    However, hard booting the system didn’t resolve the problem in my case. I have collected logs from both the server and the client (please see the attached).

    Thank you for your support. I look forward to hearing from you.



    Check what value the system settings of Ubuntu 24.04 ‘Scale option’ is set to. Change it to 100. We are aware of a problem with scaling on server side, which you can monitor using the following link:

    Only a part of the desktop is rendered on 4k monitors scaled at 150%

    You could also try changing the view mode in the NoMachine Display panel to ‘Enable viewport mode’ or ‘Scale to window’. Alternatively, in the NoMachine menu panel open Display -> Change settings and try setting a custom resolution in ‘Use a custom resolution’ W/H).



    Thank you for the suggestions and being aware of the problem.

    I was able to resolve the problem by performing a hard reboot and changing the view mode in the display panel to “Resize remote display.” The key was to unplug the power cable completely; simply shutting down and restarting the computer wasn’t sufficient.

    This solution agrees with the report mentioned here: https://forum.nomachine.com/topic/ubuntu-24-04-showing-squeezed-screen-on-remote-windows-11-client 

    I appreciate your assistance.

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