Forum Replies Created
Participantattaching my .Xresources file without the ‘.’ in the name
ParticipantOh, when I dump the ‘env’ variables, after running the command and closing terminal (konsole) and the reopen the terminal. I seem to have lost the variable. “env | grep QT_X11_NO_MITSHM” returns nothing
ParticipantHi and thks for reply
did as you described, however the export doesn’t work. if I use env | grep QT_X11_NO_MITSHM, No matter if I user or su, result is still empty.
If I run yast2 or /sbin/yast2 to be precise, without su I end up in non priv mode and GUI, and if I use su I end up in blue yast2
OK, my file is in /home/username/.Xresources as hidden file.
The xterm is the one with an issue.
ParticipantHi again,
First what is the difference between XTerm and the Terminal? I’m running a GUI-application in xterm that I can’t see upfront, however if I start a terminal and from there start the application it works, apart from sizing…
Secondly: I’m testing further on “set QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1” and find that:
If I use “env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1” or “set QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1” doesn’t stick, however “export QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1” does stick a while in “this” terminal
Though using first export… and then “sudo /sbin/yast2” lets me enter the rootpwd and then enter the old blueish gui instead of the KDE gui.
If I try to run without sudo like this: “/sbin/yast2” the userlevel version where only no root privileges are displayed of KDE Yast2.
Thirdly: in .Xresource I have -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-24-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
When changing 24 to lower value like 20, it does change the displayed size, however not its content.
If I change back to original: “-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal–24-140-100-100-m-110-iso8859-1”
I can see the content but size is small and barely readable.
Thks for answer, tried the env thing but doesn’t work.
Tried both to set QT_… on machine directly aswell as on nx-connection. Also tried to use export instead. No success.Have verified the variable settings in env with echo $QT_ …
Funny thing is that it looks just as the contents is lacking in visual transport to me, when I click randomly inside Yast2 grey area it finds and starts the actual program in the grey “fog”.