After upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS players immediately disconnects

Forum / NoMachine for Linux / After upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS players immediately disconnects

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  • #49715

    Same here after upgrading my server from 22.04.4  to 24.04.1 LTS. Both client and server working on latest nomachine_8.13.1_1_amd64.deb, after upgrade getting (Error is 104: Connection reset by peer.)


    Tried today connecting from a fresh install on a totally separate Windows 11 box as the client. Same results, control but no video, consistent through all three possible values of ”Enable hardware accelerated decoding”.

    To me this strongly suggests server rather than client side problems. No response here since I last uploaded server logs on 12 September.



    we’re unable to reproduce this behaviour despite several attempts and the logs you sent us indicate nothing strange.

    1) can you tell us if the server is headless?

    2) send us all the logs in this directory: $HOME/.nx/nxegl/


    morozov, is your server headless? Enable debug and send us the full logs. Please follow the instructions here:

    Also send us the logs in the directory in point 2 above.

    Send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Please use the title of this topic as the subject of your email. Thanks!


    Hi, thanks for quick support response.

    Ok, upgraded Ubuntu 24.04.1 works as server but runs standard Ubuntu 64 bit desktop. I have NoMachine  free version installed on few desktops  and connect to each one at the time (all running standard Ubuntu 22.04.4 desktop with latest version of NoMachine server except one mentioned above latest NoMachine server but upgraded to Ubuntu 24.04.1 as a pilot test). First time failed to connect to upgraded machine using nomachine I have reinstall it on both server and client and following similar connection failure change on client  (running 64 bit Ubuntu 22.04.4 Gnome) <option key=”Enable hardware accelerated decoding” value=”false” />. I have tried to connect to 24.04.1 server from other desktops and got same error message.In the attachment logs from server




    My server is not headless either. Full bog-standard Ubuntu GNOME desktop environment. The physical display is usually turned off, but I’ve had it both off and on for these recent tests. That’s how I can tell I’m getting keyboard and mouse control even though my client window is black.

    Logs from $HOME/.nx/nxegl/ are attached, since they are small enough.

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