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  • adamltaylor

    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –disconnect <username>

    is exactly what I was looking for, and worked perfectly.  Thank you very much!



    in reply to: Never resize remote screen #47882

    This seems to work perfectly!  Thank you!

    in reply to: Never resize remote screen #47880

    fisherman: Thank you for the suggestion, I will try that!  Sounds like exactly what I was looking for…



    katpan: Thank you for those suggestions!  I will try those soon.

    Hopefully one or both of these methods will lead to me not losing my X session.  If that turns out not to be the case, I’ll follow up.


    It is understood that this is a privacy feature and that, therefore, one can’t implement something like “Press Ctrl-Alt-r to return control to the local screen.” But, I’m not requesting any new features.

    I’m asking about a situation in which I can connect (and authenticate) to the local machine via SSH, and on this machine (although I didn’t say this), I have sudo privileges. I’m wondering if you can tell me the best currently available way to get myself out of the pickle I describe, given that I have SSH’ed in as the same user connected via NoMachine and given that I have sudo privileges.

    In the past, I’ve done things like SSH’ing in and then shutting down the NoMachine server with this command:

    sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –stop

    Then log in normally, restarting NoMachine. The trouble with this is that NoMachine seems to remember that there was a session going, but it blanks the screen again once the server starts, and I have to repeat the procedure. (I also end up losing my running X session.)

    I think one time this happened, I SSH’ed in and did:

    sudo apt remote NoMachine

    This, of course, solved the problem. But again, I lost my running X session, and I also had to reinstall NoMachine. It’s not ideal.

    More recently, I did this:

    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –history

    <Get the session ID of the connected session>

    sudo /etc/NX/nxserver –terminate <session id>

    This worked, but again I think I lost the X session.

    So: Can you suggest any other procedure that might work better?  The ideal procedure would simulate the action of disconnection from the remote end, if that is possible.

    Thanks again,




    in reply to: Fix for TR12T10728 ? #47849

    Thank you!



    in reply to: NoMachine client window (fullscreen) is not minimized #41340

    I am also seeing this, and would be interested in a fix.

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