Forum Replies Created
ContributorIf you are using a VPN you could use the local IP to connect. Are you using a local or public IP and port to connect? To make sure if the entered IP is correct, you should set static IP for the machine (by example using these instructions:
However if the connection over the VPN is not possible, you can connect by enabling UPnP. Please refer to the instructions in “Getting started with NoMachine” ( To read more about enabling UPnP, see the article “How to connect to NoMachine when the server is behind a NAT router or a firewall”:
Are you trying to connect with enabled UPnP or did you forward the ports manually? You can find information about how to connect when the server is behind a firewall or NAT router here:
Please verify if the IP which you are trying to connect to is indeed that Windows server public IP (for example there: If not – it indicates that you have a double NAT networking. Which means that NoMachine has to go through two or more routers. In that case you need to set up separate port forwarding rules on each device.
It will be possible to skip these steps with NoMachine Network feature ( which is coming soon.
ContributorPlease refer If your router support UPnP you can use this option to connect over internet. In the article you have instruction how to enable UPnP in the NoMachine server.
Check also – section: Using NoMachine for remote access to a computer over the internet.
If you want forward port manually you should pass traffic to port 4000 (NX protocol), 22 (SSH protocol on Linux/MacOSX) or (4022) (SSH protocol on Windows). Follow your router instruction to know how to do that (guide you can also find in the internet, for example from there:
If those options are not possible, what you need is NoMachine Network ( which is coming soon.
Edit: You can check the NoMachine version by going to the section Updates Panel in the Preferences section
ContributorIt looks that is just connection from nxplayer. You can check if the same IP shows in the nxd.log. To find more information about this process you could enable debug on the nxserver and check nxserver.log. Here you can find instruction how to enable debug:
ContributorWe are pleased that the problem was fixed. About permissions – 0744 for is ok. But all the other should have 4744.
ContributorLogs from server side don’t fit to logs from client. Did you follow mentioned article to enable and collect logs?
However it looks that somehow permissions for the some scripts has changed. We couldn’t reproduce this problem in our lab. Can you show output of the ls -ltr /usr/NX/scripts/restricted command on the server host?
Correct permissions should have:
-rwsr--r-- 1 root root 3303 maj 22 17:16 -rwsr--r-- 1 root root 3068 maj 22 17:17
You could use commands:
sudo chown root:root /usr/NX/scripts/restricted/ sudo chown root:root /usr/NX/scripts/restricted/ sudo chmod 4744 /usr/NX/scripts/restricted/ sudo chmod 4744 /usr/NX/scripts/restricted/
and restart nxserver:
sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart
ContributorIt does make sense. Now inside the session on the Mac you are hearing only microphone from USB soundcard plugged to RPi. However on the headphones plugged to the same USB soundcard on RPi you can hear desktop + microphone from your Mac (don’t forgot to enable mic in NoMachine menu to make that work).
ContributorNoMachine Network feature is perfect solution for this case ( You can sign up to the ‘notify me’ in order to know when it has been implemented.
To solve problem on this moment you may use the Dynamic DNS eg., You should be able to configure this service on your router. Software which would inform DDNS about changing the IP address may be also installed on the Raspbian on which you have installed NoMachine. You can find some useful information about that here:
ContributorThis means that I’ll be able to use my Mac as a mic to talk to my amateur radio transceiver.
You don’t need to use module-loopback to achive that. Just enable microphone on the NoMachine menu
We just misunderstood. From you wrote earlier I understand that somehow you have radio pluged to the input on the USB soundcard and you want to stream that to your client machine. Thats why I propose that command.
So, my question is, this works because NoMachine automatically connects to the default sink on the Pi and this is how audio gets back to NoMachine on the Mac, right? Or at least this is what appears to be happening.
Yes, it’s exactly as you written. NoMachine connects to the default sink and set default source.
ContributorFirst of all check AudioInterface key in the
if there is pulseaudio set (you can skip this step if you followed mentioned earlier article and executed/usr/NX/bin/nxnode --audiosetup [path]
command after PulseAudio installation).Is the audio from the PulseAudio mic input on my Pi not going to be forwarded to my Mac?
Indeed. It’s possible to forward from client to server machine, but not in the opposite direction. However to receive audio from input device you can use module-loopback. In your case you can execute command:
pacmd load-module module-loopback source=alsa_input.usb-C-Media_Electronics_Inc._USB_Audio_Device-00.analog-mono
ContributorDo you have PulseAudio installed on the Raspbian? Because audio is available only when the PulseAudio service is available ( In addition, you have to make sure that your USB soundcard sink is set as the default.
ContributorIs this newest NoMachine version (6.7.6)? Are you connecting inside local network? Are server and client machines connected to a network by wifi or ethernet cable? Which connection file are you using to make connection – is that connection created by your own (nxs) or is that connection automatically discovered on your network (mdns)? Are you sure that IP of the server didn’t change when you are trying to reconnect?
ContributorIf you are changing the gateway port via nxclient GUI it can be the problem
It could be the VPN blocking some ports. Correct me if am I wrong – you are connecting from other network to Windows 10 without AirVPN started and the session works. But if you start VPN – you won’t be able to connect to the same IP and Port.
Can you describe more about your environment. Where is placed client machine – is the same network? Did you also tried connect with disabled VPN, and then enable it again inside the session? Do you lose connection then?
Can you paste here output:
"c:\Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\bin\nxserver" --upnpstatus "c:\Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\bin\nxserver" --upnpmap
Please replace digits in IP with X characters to not share it public.
Did you change something with license files? In the attached logs there is no indication that issue was caused by the NoMachine itself. Few minutes after installation we can see in nxserver logs:
ERROR! No valid subscription found. Please visit the NoMachine Web site at to acquire a valid subscription.
The easiest way to avoid this problem is to reinstall NoMachine once you’ve uninstalled the program. (
ContributorWhat desktop environment do you have there? Is it Unity? Please check DefaultDesktopCommand key in the /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg. It should be:
DefaultDesktopCommand "/usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session /usr/bin/gnome-session --session=ubuntu"
If you disable again Xserver and would be still black screen please collect logs
sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --debug --collect
and send them and .xserver-errors file (should be in the home directory) to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. -