Forum Replies Created
ContributorIt looks like your local X server crashes. Can you reproduce the problem and send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com or attach here Xorg.0.log and Xorg.0.log.old? You can find it in /var/log/ on your local machine.
ContributorAre you sure that you are connecting to correct user? Public key should be added to .nx/config folder on that user home directory, on server side. Please also check if it’s correct public key. Have you used that instructions
authorized_keys format is correct for authorized.crt. Make sure if you’ve used the appropriate public key. Also change file permissions:
chmod 644 authorized.crt
. Instructions how to set up key based authentication with NX protocol you can find here thing – you didn’t tell us about your OS. If you have problems with key generated with PuTTY-gen check that solution:
ContributorWe checked NoMachine on pfsense 2.3.2 and it works fine, so it looks like it’s wrong configuration problem.
After login to pfsense GUI in menu navigate to STATUS / DASHBOARD. In “Interface” panel you can find external IP your network. Now navigate to FIREWALL / NAT and check rules. There should be correctly Interface (name should be the same as Interface with your external IP), Dest. Port (it’s the port which you should use in the NoMachine Player on the client side), NAT IP (if it’s for sure the same as on your machine with nxserver) and NAT Port (if you didn’t change NX Port – it should be 4000).
After that server should be ready for use. In NoMachine Player create new connection with your external IP as Host, NX as Protocol and Dest.Port number as Port.
It can be caused by Wayland. We have been able to reproduce a similar problem, but to be sure can you run debug, reproduce problem and send us logs from server side? You can send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com or attach them here (size is restricted). Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there: Please show us or send also X processes when you are logged to desktop (
ps -Af |grep Xorg
).As a workaround you can try to log to the Plasma (failsafe) or Xfce Session. If that won’t help – open node configuration file (
) and add lineDefaultDesktopCommand "/usr/bin/startxfce4"
, save file and restart nxserver (sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart
). Then you should be able to start new session.kroy
ContributorHave you restarted the machines or just the nxserver on your machine? As a rule, after upgrade you shouldn’t have to restart machine unless there is a notification to do so.
However, the session should work. Can we see your logs? Please run debug, restart nxserver, reproduce issue and send all logs from server and client side to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com or attach them here (size is restricted). Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there:
ContributorCan you check value key PhysicalDesktopMode in server configuration file?
cat /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg |grep PhysicalDesktopMode
If there is 0 – you cannot interact with the physical desktop because it’s view-only-mode. The following fix was introduced to fix this broken key:
If you don’t have enabled view-only-mode please run debug, reproduce issue and send all logs from server and client side to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com or attach them here (size is restricted). Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there:
ContributorThe password to account is still available in Windows 10 when you add a PIN number as login option. So in NoMachine you should write the login (this can also be your email) and the password to account to authorize the session.
ContributorHi pgalpern.
We couldn’t reproduce your problem. Please upgrade your NoMachine to 5.1.40 and let as know whether the issue with multimonitor still exists.I am running a VirtualBox Red Hat Linux 6 client in seamless mode, which sometimes has minor effects on display.
Can you do some screenshots to explain where is the problem? You can sent it here or on forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ContributorAt the moment there is no way to disable searching for IPv6 in the NoMachine, but you should be still able to use IPv4. Please check again your IP numbers and that you have correctly configured port forwarding. Might you consider enabling UPnP map forwarding? There is instruction how to connect to NoMachine when the server is behind a NAT router or a firewall:
ContributorDid you try to uncheck “Listen to this device”? Please try also uncheck “Listen to this device” on other recording devices.
ContributorIt’s an issue with proprietary drivers. It’s not connected with NoMachine. Please refer to this article:
If you have already installed mesa check location. Execute command
rpm -qa |grep -i mesa
. It should show similar name to: “Mesa-libGL1-10.0.2-90.17.x86_64”. Now executerpm -ql Mesa-libGL1-10.0.2-90.17.x86_64
it should show library location for example: “/usr/lib64/”. Next thing is adding that path (in our case “/usr/lib64”) to node key DesktopCommandLibraryPath. So open as root /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg file, uncomment line with DesktopCommandLibraryPath and add path.Example:
#DesktopCommandLibraryPath “”to
DesktopCommandLibraryPath “/usr/lib64/”kroy
ContributorPlease reproduce problem and send logs from
on raspberry andc:/Users/<username>/.nx
on your Windows 10 to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com or attach them here.kroy
ContributorCan you paste here information about your default playback and recording device on that Windows? Just open your sound panel with
key sequence and followcontrol mmsys.cpl
. Make a screenshot on Playback and Recording panel. Additionally – please navigate to Preferences on your default Recording device, choose Listen panel and took next screenshot. All pictures please paste here.kroy
ContributorYou won’t see your external IP on NoMachine Welcome Page if you don’t enable UPnP on your router. You can get your public IP address from whatismyip[dot]com, for example. Please check again your configuration on the router that for sure you choose correct IP of machine and port.
Instructions how to connect to NoMachine when the server is behind a NAT router or a firewall you can find there: Informations about default ports used by NoMachine: