Forum Replies Created
ModeratorAt the moment, the only way not to use all monitors is unplugging them physically from the server. Artifacts could be due to a bug in the H.264 software encoder with such a high horizontal resolution. Please try to use a different codec: open Server preferences -> Performance tab, check ‘Use a specific display encoding’ and make sure VP8 is selected, then restart the server and connect again.
ModeratorHi Juerg,
this problem is unknown. As a first try, please open Server preferences -> Performance tab on your host machine, and unselect ‘Use acceleration for display processing’.
ModeratorYou seem to have two 4K monitors, that give the total screen size reported in the logs:
Info: Using screen size 7280×1080.
Unfortunately NVENC (Nvidia’s encoder) supports up to 4K, as you can see here:
However this Feature Request, when implemented, will address your case:
For the records, you can see that the hardware encoder is used when there is a single monitor:
Info: Using screen size 3840×1080.
Info: Using Nvidia H.264 hardware encoder.fra81
can you please send all the logs. Whole ‘/usr/NX/var/log’ directory if possible. You can send it to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
August 6, 2019 at 17:13 in reply to: Connection from Debian amd64 to i386 makes high load on CPU? #23213fra81
Moderator15% of CPU usage doesn’t seem too much if the screen is updating. Are you using latest NoMachine versions on client and server? Recent versions always ship the H.264 encoder which minimizes CPU usage. Anyway you can check the used codec in the Display settings panel.
for the moment NoMachine doesn’t have an option to select a specific GPU and NoMachine just iterates by default through available cards. However we’ve created a new feature request that will cover this case:
ModeratorDoes setting max quality in make any difference? You can also try to check ‘Disable network-adaptive display quality’ and ‘Disable multi-pass display encoding’ in the same panel.
You may also try to disabled UDP. To do so, enter the Edit panel of the connection, click Advanced and uncheck ‘Use UDP communication for multimedia data’.
If nothing works, please send a video recording showing the issue.
for a start, you can try to disable hardware decoding, by checking the box in the session menu:
and hardware encoding, by uncommenting and changing the relevant key in the <installation directory>/etc/node.cfg file:
EnableHardwareEncoding 0
ModeratorHi gabriele,
can you specify the driver version? If possible, send us the logs as explained in my post above.
And does disabling ‘client side hardware decoding’ fix the problem also in your case?
ModeratorThe problem is, that all opened windows on display “1” (programs, terminals, etc…) opens in display “0” (I see it in task manager), except NoMachine client and server windows, they are opens normally. So, what am I doing wrong? And how fix it?
I assume that both desktops are owned by the same system user. In that case, how the display to connect to is chosen depends on the application. What you can do is starting the second desktop as a different user. Not sure if you can configure those applications to behave differently.
we are aware of the issue which is due to incorrect info reported by the X RandR extension on some headless machines. Besides the workarounds you already mentioned, you can use also this one:
If you’d like to receive a patched version to test, please write to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
are you aware of any video drivers update on your system? What’s your graphics card model and driver version?
Please also send client side logs, gathered while reproducing the green screen problem. You can extract them as explained in and send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ModeratorHi Mehmet,
you can try to disable hardware encoding instead of disabling H.264 altogether. To do that, uncomment and disable the EnableHardwareEncoding key in the ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\etc\node.cfg’ file, then restart NoMachine server:
EnableHardwareEncoding 0
Please also send logs for further investigation, as explained in
thanks for letting us know that the product is working well.
About the noticed “motion sickness”, let me point out that, from a technical standpoint, any “lack of synchronization” is unlikely due to the way NoMachine handles the mouse movements. Mouse movements, in fact, are handled locally and displayed immediately, as they happen, on the client side. In other words, what you see moving on screen, is the local cursor and not the remote one. On the other hand, it’s true, that to see the response of the graphical environment (for example an icon becoming highlighted after a mouse click) the mouse event must reach the remote server, the graphical output encoded, sent and displayed by the client, so that the response can be actually “delayed”, depending on the network latency or the speed of the involved machines. Unfortunately there is very little we can do to avoid this. To better check the latency that exists between the mouse movement and the speed of the server to reflect the change, you can enable showing the remote cursor as it is processed by the server. You can find this option in the Input preferences panel. Such option is turned off in the default settings.
this is not possible at the moment. Part of the reasons are technical: the only consistent way to implement blanking across all platforms is by turning off video output completely, thus it is not possible to show a prompt on the physical screen, especially one that would not be seen also on the connecting client. Note that you can regain control over the machine at any time by connecting from any other computer or device at your disposal, including mobile devices, thanks to NoMachine client for iOS and Android.