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ModeratorHi Kevin,
assuming you chose to see ALL remote monitors, you have two options to see both of them at once: in the Display panel of the session menu you can select the ‘Scale to window’ view mode, so that all remote screens will be scaled to fit the Player window area; in the same panel you can also select ‘Fullscreen on all monitors’, so that the remote screens will span across both your local screens. In a future NoMachine version we also plan to extend support for multiple monitors by allowing to show each remote monitor in a separate NoMachine Player window. Unfortunately at the moment I’m not able to say when this implementation will be completed.
ModeratorOk on 1 of the 2 iMacs we are using the 2nd monitor is not showing up as an option.
Do you confirm the desktop is extended on the second monitor and not mirrored? If that’s confirmed, would you send us the logs from the problematic iMac? You can do so by following the instructions in and send the logs to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
Also the video is pixelated for a different iMac with just the built in display. Will adjusting the video options fix that?
You may try to increase Display quality and maybe disable ‘Scale to window’ mode if it’s enabled. If adjusting these settings doesn’t help, please send us a screenshot showing the problem.
ModeratorHi Kevin,
about your first question, you should be able to see all server monitors, one at a time or all at the same time, depending on the selected option. Can you please show us a screenshot of your Display settings panel (
As for the second question, NoMachine can’t create virtual monitors on the server. NoMachine connects to the physical display of the server and shows all the monitors physically attached there.
would you reproduce the issue again with hardware encoding enabled and send server side logs to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com? Please find instructions in
September 20, 2022 at 10:44 in reply to: Session window shows small “noisy” frame instead of remote desktop #40218fra81
can you check if that still occurs after disabling hardware decoding on the client? To do so, open the session menu panel (by pressing Ctrl+Alt+0 or by the page peel), enter Display settings, click Modify for the advanced option and check ‘Disable client side hardware decoding’.
you can already set the number of cores to be used for encoding in the ‘node.cfg’ file on the server, by editing the ‘DisplayEncoderThreads’ configuration key. That said, it has to be noted that NoMachine, by default, already chooses the best number of cores for encoding, basing on the number of available cores.
ModeratorThe .Xmodmap file is taken into consideration by the XQuartz X server on the Mac, but will be ignored on the Linux side. When you use ‘ssh -Y’, the X server the application is connected to is XQuartz on the Mac. On the contrary, when you connect via a NoMachine virtual session, the virtual X server the application connects to runs on server side. The correct way to achieve the same behaviour with a NoMachine virtual session is to run this command in a terminal inside the session:
xmodmap -e "keycode 79 = KP_F1"
(Note that normally the keycode for the NumLock key is 77 on Linux and not 79 as it is for XQuartz.)
did you create the .Xmodmap file on the Mac or on the Linux machine?
ModeratorThere seems to be some issue with the drivers. Please try to edit the $HOME/.nx/config/player.cfg file and change the ‘Enable hardware accelerated decoding’ key to:
<option key=”Enable hardware accelerated decoding” value=”disabled” />
ModeratorBut changing the ‘DefaultDesktopCommand ‘ to the one suggested by you allowed the user to login but the graphics acceleration seems to be missing.
Acceleration by means of VirtualGL can be enabled either explicitly by the vglrun command (even only for specific applications) or implicitly for the whole desktop by the
'nxserver --virtualgl yes'
command. That DefaultDesktopCommand was provided to you assuming you were using the second method. You can find further details in, when I used my version of ‘DefaultDesktopCommand ‘only one of my clients with Mac could not create a NoMachine session.
Can you send the logs from this specific case?
ModeratorDisabling H.264 solved the issue for Liftaren. Is it the same for you?
And can you both try to check ‘Disable client side hardware decoding’ in the Display settings tab of the menu panel (Modify button)? Is this enough to solve the problem even when using H.264?
And as Britgirl mentioned, logs would be useful, especially client side logs:
it’s not clear to me if you are talking about the username/password you have to enter to connect to the server, or the credentials you have to enter into the remote desktop’s login window (when you are already connected with NoMachine to the Debian machine) to get to the user’s desktop. Can you please clarify on this point?
That said, would you send us the logs? You can use instructions in for the server side, and for the client side. You can send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com by referencing this topic.
August 11, 2022 at 14:14 in reply to: Feature Request: NoMachine client should be able to control input (mouse and keys) #39673fra81
ModeratorWhen its checked, Player window should automatically lose focus when mouse leaves the window and on mouse enter, it’ll be focus as it is now.
This is a feature some Operating Systems have, generally called ‘focus follows mouse’. I do believe that the Player window should not interfere with the normal rules imposed by the OS about how the focus is moved, even if it would be possible to do so.
However, in case you don’t know already, there is a key combination to release the mouse when it is grabbed by the Player window: Ctrl+Alt+Left mouse button. Would this help you?
August 9, 2022 at 17:27 in reply to: Feature Request: NoMachine client should be able to control input (mouse and keys) #39634fra81
what you want to achieve is not currently possible and, to be honest, I think it could be unexpected and difficult to understand for most users in the most common setups. Thank you for your interest in NoMachine 🙂
August 8, 2022 at 17:55 in reply to: Ubuntu 20.0.4 NoMachine no cursor or keyboard control in Mac OS X client #39615fra81
it seems like you are in view-only mode. Please check the value of the ‘PhysicalDesktopMode’ key in the ‘/usr/NX/etc/server.cfg’ file, change it to ‘1’ or ‘2’ if necessary, then try again.