Forum Replies Created
ContributorWe see on your screenshot that the authentication via Private Key went well. But your desktop is locked. The system asks for the desktop owner password – it is not NoMachine who asks for a password. You can disable this feature in the Screensaver and Power Management system settings.
ContributorHi jgk,
Are you sure that you have selected the ‘Private key’ authentication and chosen the correct key? The whole procedure of the article was tested many times and we didn’t find the problem.
ContributorIt looks like the is problem with special characters in hostname. Please follow this trouble report: and use the notify me tool to know when a fix is available.
As a workaround you can remove special characters from the hostname.
ContributorPlease take a look at the topic here:
ContributorYou were able to connect to the server via NoMachine so it looks that is system problem. Are you sure that username and password is okay? Did you try to log physically with those credentials and it works? Maybe you need log to the system with format: <domain>\<username>
ContributorAnd logs clearly show “Incompatible library version” error.
This message wasn’t in the logs from the session you pasted where you used the downgraded library.
Have you linked to new or old libraries now? Bear in mind that the latest ffmpeg is not supported at the moment. You need to use the older version. Please make sure you are making the symlinks to the correct library.
ContributorCan you zip C:\ProgramData\NoMachine\var\log directory (administrator privileges are required) and send compressed file to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com?
ContributorAre you sure that ~/.Xauthority file has the correct permissions? Can you try removing ~/.Xauthority* files and re-login?
Logs which you sent weren’t the right ones. The Player logs you must send are from the same session which we can find in /usr/NX/var/node/. If the suggested above workaround won’t help please edit /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg, uncomment and set the following:
SessionLogClean 0
Then reproduce problem and send again player logs and server side logs.
ContributorAre you sure that that you have simlink libs again after update? Are the files in the same directory?
ContributorWe aren’t able to reproduce the problem. Did you make any system changes on your Mac? Logs would probably tell us something more.
– Open Terminal
– Execute the commandtar -czf nxclient-logs.tar.gz ~/.nx/M-*
– Execute the commandtar -czf stacks.tar.gz ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/nx*
– Execute the commandsudo tar -czf nxvarlog.tar.gz /Library/Application\ Support/NoMachine/var/log/
In the Finder window you’ll find the files nxclientlogs.tar.gz, stacks.tar.gz and nxvarlog.tar.gz. Please send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ContributorWe cannot reproduce the problem. Are you able to start desktop physically on that machine? Are there any core dumps? It should be placed on home directory. More info about debug cores you can find there: If you use apport – look for cores on the /var/crash directory.
To unpack:
sudo apport-unpack
Navigate to the
and core file should be named there CoreDump. Then follow instruction from above link.
Please send file with backtrace and also .xsession-errors (which should be on home directory) and compressed folder with logs (/usr/NX/var/log/) to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ContributorIf router, which is connected to the server host, supports UPnP commands you can connect to that machine using External IP and Port.
You can find instructions on how to find IP and Port here: (in the paragraph “Install NoMachine on the first computer”).
You can also try port forwarding. Configure your router manually to pass traffic to port 4000 (NX protocol). You can find more informations about how to connect to NoMachine when the server is behind a NAT router or a firewall here:
ContributorRemote login to Windows with empty password is forbidden by Windows policies:
But it is possible to connect without using system password. There are two ways to achieve it.
1. Connect with using private key authentication (
2. Enable NoMachine database. To do it – edit server.cfg as an administrator (in the default it’s located in the %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NoMachine\etc directory).Uncomment and change the keys to following values:
EnableUserDB 1
EnablePassDB 1More details you can find here:
ContributorDid you try
sudo yum install dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts
orsudo yum install dejavu-serif-fonts
? Please check that fonts are also ok in other applications, not just NoMachine.If you are sure that fonts are installed – server-side logs would be required (see instructions in Please send the ~/.nx and /usr/NX/var/log. You can send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com making sure you reference the topic.
ContributorDo you use physical desktop? ALSA is not supported in physical session ( To make sound working on connections to such sessions you need to install pulseaudio. Then execute command:
sudo /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxnode --audiosetup
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