Forum Replies Created
ContributorThank you for reporting. Problem is known, it’s connected with SElinux. Workaround you can find in trouble report: Please follow this TR and use the notify me tool to know when a fix is available.
ContributorDid it work before upgrade?
…it finds my Mac but won’t allow me to login to the Mac…
What exactly error shows?
…on my Mac it says no computers found.
You mean that hosts are in the same local network and there isn’t shows your Windows 10 machine in the connection list, in mac NoMachine player, right? Are you sure that “Advertise this computer on the network” option is selected (you can find that by clicking: NoMachine icon on tray -> Show the server status -> Server preferences) on the server? Can you connect there by creating new connection or just executing correct IP? If not – what error shows?
ContributorCan you write what OS is on server machine and USB device name?
The fact devices are greyed out either means:
– You have disabled USB sharing on server or client (in default USB sharing is enabled, so if you didn’t change it by your self – ignore this step). You can find it in node configuration key which is in
. For example on linux edit/usr/NX/etc/node.cfg
and change lineEnableUSBSharing none
toEnableUSBSharing both
.– Second possibility is that on your linux distro – USB support is disabled. In that case please follow the article:
ContributorOf course it is possible 🙂 If you are connected to remote desktop – navigate to NoMachine main menu (Ctrl+Alt+0). Next click on “Devices” icon, then – “Connect a USB device”. Choose your USB DVD from “Local devices” list and click on “Connect” button. You should see green dot which indicates that device is connected in the session. Now you are able to use your USB DVD on the remote host.
More instructions about USB devices sharing you can find here:
ContributorCan you send to output of command: sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –userlist to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com? Please also run debug, restart nxserver (
sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –restart
), collect logs and send them also that we could verify where is the problem. Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there: 21:16:01 675.322 13556 NXNODE ERROR! Application terminated too early.
If you are able to reproduce this problem – can you send also file .xsession-errors? It’s in home directory. If you still have that log file from that issue, you can send the old one.
ContributorCan you send also logs from server side to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com? To do that run debug on server host first and restart nxserver (
sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart
). Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there: send also specific information about your server machine. What is your graphic card? Are you connecting with hdmi port? Please send also information about cpu and monitor.
ContributorYou have written that you were able to log to the server. Can you create a new session? Does it freeze during start? What OS and which desktop environment is installed on the server where the problem appears?
Are you using pam_mount? If yes, please follow the article:
It’s a known problem. It’s appears on updated Fedora 25 BETA. NoMachine works fine on installed Fedora 25 BETA from the scratch.If you want to use NoMachine on your updated BETA, you need to disable SElinux. You can do it executing commands:
sudo setenforce 0 sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart
ContributorWe strongly recommend updating NoMachine to 5.1.54 version. This problem couldn’t be reproduced in our labs. If issue still appears – please run debug, restart nxserver (`sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –restart), collect logs and send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com? Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there:
ContributorWe tried disabling PhysicalDesktopSharing in our labs, but did not prevent adding of the above-mentioned entry to :0.log. Are you able to reproduce problem again with enabled PhysicalDesktopSharing? If yes, could you turn on debug in the NoMachine configuration files, restart nxserver (
sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart
), and if problem happens again collect logs and send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com?Instructions about debug and collecting logs you can find there:
If you are able to reproduce please send also output command
ps -ef | grep [pid]
. As “pid” use pid number from such big :0.log file (in mentioned entry you had that in first line and it was “11330”).To prevent storing large log files you can use logrotate utility (instructions for your RedHat 6 you can find there: Example configuration:
# cat /etc/logrotate.d/gdm /var/log/gdm/:0.log { daily rotate 2 compress size 10m postrotate /bin/kill -HUP <code>cat /var/run/ 2>/dev/null</code> 2> /dev/null || true endscript }
ContributorHave you tried solution from the post or have you handled it in a different way?
ContributorIn situations when there is no monitor, keyboard or mouse plugged-in to machine it is better to run system in the init 3 mode. NoMachine will create then a new display.
You need to log via SSH to this server (for example using PuTTy), edit /etc/default/grub and add “3” value to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT key. Then you should update grub configuration and reboot machine.
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”quiet 3″sudo update-grub
sudo reboot
When system start, you’ll be able to connect via NoMachine.
We didn’t yet test the solution with installing a dummy driver which you wrote about. If we are able to reproduce the problem we will try to find a way out.
ContributorUnfortunately, at this moment, information about SSL certificate or fingerprint isn’t shown in the server logs.
ContributorDear dav36rye,
did you try updating NoMachine to the latest version? If you are still seeing the problem, please write here also number of handles for the lsass.exe process.
ContributorWhich NoMachine version have you installed? Can you check with the latesy installation (
If the problem still appears, please send player logs (all C:\Users\<username>\.nx directory on your daughter’s Win 7) and nxtrace.log (which you should found in C:\ProgramData\NoMachine\var\log\) to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.