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  • kubaszym1


    Do you mean that the headset is connected to the windows machine (server) – you can hear audio from Windows with this headset outside the session? I know you wrote it but I want to be sure. Do you connect the headset before or during the NoMachine session?

    If the bluetooth device is connected to the client machine, you should see it on the device list in NoMachine settings (click on right up corner of the NoMachine window, then go to Audio -> Change settings). You can set it as an output device on the client side.

    But if your headset is connected to the server, we will try to reproduce the issue and fix it.



    in reply to: USB Microphone input #46297


    It’s also possible that something went wrong in configuration during the installation – you once wrote that you have AudioInterface set to “pipewire” but do you use PipeWire? In order to check, run:

    pactl info

    1) if Server Name is ‘pulseaudio’ then you use PulseAudio and AudioInterface should be set to “pulseaudio”. You can change this in /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg and then restart NoMachine server.

    2) if Server Name is ‘PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.x)’ then you use PipeWire and in this case I will have to investigate your issue in order to find out where the problem is.

    Best regards,




    Your issue can be caused by several things. In order to determine if you’re using PulseAudio or PipeWire you can run this command:

    pactl info

    if ‘Server Name’ is pulseaudio – you use PulseAudio, but if it’s something like ‘PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.x)’ – you use PipeWire. Then you can restart your audio service and hopefully the sound will return:

    1) For PipeWire: systemctl --user --now restart pipewire.{socket,service}

    2) For PulseAudio: systemctl --user --now restart pulseaudio

    In some cases you may need to restart your computer.



    in reply to: Remote VPS Ubuntu 22.04 with xcfe4 NoMachine no sound #46144


    PULSE_SERVER should be set automatically to /run/user/<uid>/pulse/native/. If it’s not set properly, the sound won’t work even outside NoMachine session. You can check it’s value by running ‘pactl info’ (first line of the output). This command may crash because you have some issues, so you can also just set PULSE_SERVER manually – ‘export PULSE_SERVER=/run/user/<uid>/pulse/native/’. Then please restart pulseaudio server.

    If you experience these sound issues only during NoMachine session you can gather logs from the session and send it to forum[at]nomachine.com. Collecting logs: https://kb.nomachine.com/DT07S00243

    Best regards,


    in reply to: USB Microphone input #46100


    You can already try the next version – NoMachine 8.10.1. It’s possible that it will solve your issues. If not, please check your configuration – I noticed that your logs contain some configuration errors on the server side. Please check if the property AudioInterface from /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg is set to “pipewire”. You can also check the environment of the nxnode process. Find nxnode PID using i.e. ‘ps -aux | grep nxnode’, run ‘cat /proc/<pid>/environ’ and look for XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/<user_id>. If XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set properly you can experience issues with transferring audio.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Fedora 39 pipewire – no audio #46026


    Are you able to hear sound from your machine outside NoMachine session? I’m not sure if it’s possible if you only have auto_null. Your built-in device should be set as the default sink, or some other physical device, i.e. headphones or external speakers. When NoMachine makes a connection between two machines, it connects to the default sink and captures its output data. This means that even if NoMachine is able to connect to auto_null (Dummy Output), if auto_null doesn’t receive any data, you don’t hear anything on the client side.

    If your Fedora is a virtual machine, you should probably connect it to the speaker of the physical machine and enable audio in virtual box settings (or any software you’re using for virtualization) and then test the connection via NoMachine.



    in reply to: Linux client printer forwarding to Windows server #45951


    You should be able to forward a printer during the session via NoMachine Player settings. Go to Devices -> Connect a printer and there you should see all the available printers. Click on your local printer and connect it to the server. If the printers don’t show up there, please gather logs from both sides as described here: https://kb.nomachine.com/DT07S00243

    You can also show us how you tried to forward the printer by attaching a screenshot of each step.



    in reply to: USB Microphone input #45927


    I checked your logs and unfortunately I couldn’t find the explanation for your issue. Can you ensure that you set the highest log level (9 – Debug) and gather logs again? Without debug logs I cannot tell why NoMachine Microphone is not created.





    I checked your logs and compared it to our code that handles creating of pulseaudio server for virtual sessions. Indeed, pulseaudio server needs client.conf file and such file doesn’t exist in /usr/NX/share/audio. The command that you used – nxnode --audiosetup – should copy this file from /etc/pulse/ to /usr/NX/share/audio. I’ll try to find out why it didn’t work. Meanwhile, you can copy client.conf file from /etc/pulse to /usr/NX/share/audio, restart the server and try to connect again. I hope it will fix the issue.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: NoMachine sessions crashes on adding printer? #45924


    I would like to have some information in order to investigate your issue.

    1) Do you use Windows 11 as a NoMachine client or as a NoMachine server?

    2) Please reproduce the issue and collect the logs as described here: https://kb.nomachine.com/DT07S00243

    Then you can send the logs to forum[at]nomachine.com.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: USB Microphone input #45818


    It seems that there is an error during the connection that breaks the process of creating virtual devices. There are several explanations for such issue, so I need some more information. Please gather logs from the server side as described here: https://kb.nomachine.com/DT07S00243 and send them to forum[at]nomachine.com.



    in reply to: USB Microphone input #45774

    Hi Silvo,

    It seems that everything works fine. Let me explain how our audio support works on Linux:

    When you connect to a physical display, NoMachine captures audio from the default speaker (you can check the current default speaker system settings). If you want to forward microphone from your client machine to the remote desktop, you need to click “Mic in” in nxplayer settings (as you did). Then the audio data will be transferred to NoMachine Output (you can see this device as a speaker, but please don’t set it as default, it’s only for collecting voice data) and then recorded by Remapped NoMachine Output (it can also be called NoMachine Microphone) that should be set as the default microphone when you want to record something through the remote desktop.

    To sum up, in order to forward microphone from the client machine and record something on the remote machine, you need to:

    1) Click “Mic in” in the session settings

    2) Ensure that NoMachine virtual device is set as the default microphone (you should have it set automatically during the connection)

    After that you should be able to record whatever you want. Just open a recording app on the remote machine and speak to your local microphone.

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Audio flicker/judder only on Avid #45742


    I’ve read the logs you send, but unfortunately I didn’t find anything that would suggest where the problem was. Can you send a sample of bad playback from Avid? It will be easier to investigate if I know how it sounds.

    It’s possible that it’s the Avid’s fault. Please check if there are known Avid’s issues with remote desktops.

    I will look at your logs once more, hopefully I’ll find out some more information.



    in reply to: Garbled audio, microphone redirect #45704


    I need some information in order to investigate your issue.

    Which sound server do you use on each side? I see that you use PulseAudio from pactl info but you also have PipeWire server. I need to know which one works on each side (server and client).

    Did the update to NoMachine 8.9 change anything? We fixed some issues related to PulseAudio in NoMachine v8.x, the audio and voice transfer should work well. If the audio or voice still breaks, I will have to check it again.

    I also noticed that you probably connect to a virtual session (since you have nx_audio_in set as the default device). Do you experience the same issues on physical session as well?

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Sound options not working #45524


    In the NoMachine session theĀ  default voice device should be NoMachine Microphone Adapter and the default audio device should be one of your audio devices. If NoMachine Microphone Adapter sets automatically as the default speaker, please let us know so we can fix this issue.

    On several Windows machines audio drivers don’t allow capturing raw data – in that situation NoMachine receives only processed data (i.e. muted data). We mute the server by default, so if your audio driver doesn’t send us raw data, then we are not able to play sound on the client.

    Fortunately, there is a simple workaround for your issue. You can install manually the NoMachine Audio Adapter and set it as the default device when using NoMachine. Please follow the steps from this article: https://kb.nomachine.com/AR04T01159?s=nomachine%20audio%20adapter



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