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  • graywolf

    Yes, you won’t need to run Xvfb, NoMachine creates a display server if you keep X turned off.

    But you need a desktop anyway. What I meant is that you should install gnome:

    sudo-apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop

    that will install and setup X automatically.

    So you’ll want to turn off X, specially if you have no monitor attached:

    sudo systemctl enable

    sudo systemctl set-default

    Then reboot. System will start without X and NoMachine will work as you requested.



    Hello, I think you need to install a desktop environment. Package dependencies will force you to install X along with the desktop environment, by the way you can run systemctl to set up the system to boot in console text mode.



    Check the memory and CPU usage with “top” command at the time the slow down occurs.

    Which desktop environment are you using? Consider something lightweight like Xfce or LXDE.



    I tried with Gnome and I found the same behavior on resizing. This issue should be studied more in depth, so I’m going to open a trouble report about that.

    I also found this workaround:

    • Open NoMachine menu (Ctrl+Alt+0) and turn off “Resize remote screen”
    • Resize the NoMachine window as desired
    • Turn on “Resize remote screen”: the remote desktop change size to fit the NoMachine window



    in reply to: Client rearranges multiple monitors on server #11829

    Would you mind sending to me:

    • client and server log files
    • “xrandr -q” output
    • NoMachine version
    • video card driver in use

    You put “ec2-user” as NoMachine session user, but created desktop as user “mcv”. It looks that such mismatch caused the described behavior.

    in reply to: Missing "Choose Monitor" from display settings #11783

    I guess the server is not able to detect the attached multiple monitors, so something changed on the server.

    May you gather server and client log files?

    in reply to: X high load and performance issues #11773

    Hello, high CPU usage looks a problem with Matrox video cards. This could be issue with VM and server. Try to reconfigure Xorg (edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf) in order to use generic “vesa” driver in place of “mga” (Matrox) driver. Reboot after changes.


    Things are different for the workstation with nVidia card. No performance issue is know for that case. I see the workstation has two nVidia cards and each card has two video out. So that up to four monitors can be attached to the workstation. Can you tell me if that is your case? Testing with only one card (and one monitor) is possible for you?


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Britgirl.
    in reply to: In centOS 7 unable to see the text fonts #11688


    do you mean you cannot see chars in the remote session?

    In that case: can you launch a terminal emulator (e.g. like xterm) in the remote session and are chars visible in the terminal?

    I’d like to see the output of commands


    xset q

    launched in such terminal.


    in reply to: X11 colors when using NX #11646

    No problem.

    Where I wrote .Xresource I meant .Xdefaults, sorry.

    in reply to: X11 colors when using NX #11627

    Where is your .Xresource located (Linux box or Mac)?

    Do you mean to use .Xdefaults colors in CAD tools or in Xterm only?

    May I have a look of you .Xdefaults?


    Maximizing a floating window only stretches it to span only one monitor.

    This is the usual behavior of any windowing system. It is the only behavior that is consistent with any possible layout of multiple monitors. No matter if you are resizing a single application or a whole virtual desktop: the windowing system of the client side host treats both in the same way.

    With KDE, I can manually resize a virtual display

    With Gnome, I can only maximize a virtual display

    Gnome and KDE react to screen changes in order to keep the desktop consistent with configuration. This would explain the different behavior.

    I can unselect “Use custom resolution” and instead use the Resolution slide above which coincidentally shows the custom resolution I had entered.

    It should work on the first shot, instead. So it should be improved.

    The window isn’t resized; however, it now has vertical/horizontal scrollbars and I can manually resize it

    That looks normal. Window size is kept in order to fit in the single monitor, but desktop is resize. The only problem is it should just work when you chose “Use custom resolution”.


    It is possible that many of the issue you reported are related to the way OS X handles “spaces” and “screens”

    “If you need an app window to span multiple displays, deselect the option ‘Displays have separate Spaces’ in the Mission Control pane of System Preferences.”



    With the external displays arranged in a row, I would like to have a virtual desktop shown over both displays (i.e., (2×2560) x 1440 = 5120×1440). Unfortunately, that does not work. This would be a really uber cool capability.

    NoMachine allows user to chose “Fullscreen” (in that case the remote session covers one monitor) or “Fullscreen on all screens” (covering all monitors). Actually, the case you describe is different as you’d like to span the remote session over two monitors of three.

    A feature request describes how the layout of multiple monitors should be exported to the remote session, so they could be treated as separate entities. An additional specification fitting your case could be the ability of chosing which monitors must be assigned to the session and organising them in a custom layout.

    I can’t resize the window any larger either. In fact, all X events outside a top-left 1920×1200 rectangle are ignored altogether.

    If an X window is positioned such that it should be displayed in part on both monitors, then only the top left side is displayed on one monitor; the other side isn’t visible even though the monitors are logically arranged side-to-side without any gap.

    This behavior looks strange. We are going to reproduce and fix it.

    The caveat in this configuration comes from tools that pop up new windows (e.g. modal dialogs). Sometimes, these can show up in a place that would straddle monitors and be partially visible or not at all.

    This occurs because the set of monitors is treated as a whole. The mentioned feature request would help in this case too. The dialogs should be displayed in the centre of one monitor, but now the edges of the monitors are not known to the remote applications.


    I seems that sudo resets the DISPLAY variable and gives you the blu text interface. So use su, not sudo. All the previous instructions can be combined in a single command, just open Konsole or XTerm and run:

    env QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 su -c yast2


    About font issue, please upload your .Xresource file.

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