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  • in reply to: Initial window focus linux "alt" key not recognized #8056

    If I understand you use Alt+ยง for moving between windows in the Gnome desktop and Alt+Tab to move between applications in Windows desktop. I tried to do it, and I experienced the same behavior you reported.

    I guess that those overlapping key bindings triggers some inconsistency in NoMachine keyboard state. I’m going to open a TR about that.

    in reply to: Keyboard mappings #7965

    Happy to hear that worked for you!

    By the way, I saw that “Grab keyboard” is not relevant on Mac: Cmd+P event is passed through in any case. I cannot say why you need to keep that box unchecked.

    On Windows that is needed because Win+P is usally a shortcut for “switch video output”.

    in reply to: Windows OS X Key Mapping #7943

    Hello tdcolvin, thank you for reporting this issue.

    I tried to swap Ctrl an Cmd in OS X System Preference like you did. And like you I found that is not effective not only for remote NoMachine keyboard but also for local generic (non-Mac) USB keyboards!

    There is no way to redefine modifiers in NoMachine, but you are not the first person requiring such kind of feature, so we are evaluating it.

    in reply to: Mouse behavior with Yosemite host (esp. Xcode) #7802

    olik79, I can replicate this behavior in all details of your description. I’m going to open a Trouble Report about that.

    in reply to: Mouse does not work #7800

    I cannot reproduce the mouse problem. Could you tell me more? Are you using Xfvb as X server? Which is the desktop environment in use?

    About the NoMachine menu shortcut: I know there is an “alt” key on Mac keyboards, it is also called “option” key. The “0” in “Ctrl+Alt+0” stands for “zero”.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by graywolf.

    Switching display manager to LightDM is an effective workaround.

    Install lightdm:
    [root@test01 ~]# dnf install lightdm

    Disable GDM:
    [root@test01 ~]# systemctl disable gdm

    Enable LightDM:
    [root@test01 ~]# systemctl enable lightdm

    Reboot to make changes effective:
    [root@test01 ~]# reboot

    in reply to: Fedora 22 problem. Walland related ? #7787

    Switching display manager to LightDM is an effective workaround.

    Install lightdm:
    [root@test01 ~]# dnf install lightdm

    Disable GDM:
    [root@test01 ~]# systemctl disable gdm

    Enable LightDM:
    [root@test01 ~]# systemctl enable lightdm

    Reboot to make changes effective:
    [root@test01 ~]# reboot


    tyrluk, I saw similar issue to yours but it doesn’t seem related to the existence of NVIDIA driver in the system.

    I think we found an incompatibility with GDM provided with Fedora 22. I’m trying to find a suitable workaround and possibly a solution. I’m going to try different display managers to find if we get the same issue with them.

    in reply to: Fedora 22 problem. Walland related ? #7785

    baj, I read the logs and problem seems due to incompatibility with GDM provided by Fedora 22. I’m going to try different display managers and let you know.

    in reply to: Cadence dialog window not getting focus #7784

    Could you tell me

    • if pop up window can be brought in foreground and therefore workflow can continue without issues
    • the OS of client host

    Have you got screenshots?

    in reply to: VirtualGL – supported hardware #7780

    Yes, the documentation just requires “any decent 3D graphics card that supports Pbuffers”. I can say that it usually works well with NVIDIA or AMD graphics.

    in reply to: Can’t Create Any Virtual Desktops or start nxd #7772

    newmanium, this looks an issue in nss_ldap.

    You can find a patched 264 version of nss_ldap for Ubuntu 14.04 x86_64 here.

    in reply to: Keyboard problem #7714

    Change keyboard layout in client host if you didn’t it. Type “system” in the search box: you should see “System Settings” among the found entries. Launch System Settings, click on Keyboard and there click on “Layout Settings”: you’ll be able to add French to available keyboard layouts.
    Do the same thing in the server host.

    in reply to: Initial window focus linux "alt" key not recognized #7713

    gustov, is it possible that problems occur because a different modifier key (e.g Ctrl) is in the “pressed” state? Check if pressing and releasing Ctrl and Shift keys (left and right, one at a time) restores normal behavior. That would shed light on this issue.

    in reply to: Incorrect mouse interaction #7671

    Urhixidur, my guess is that an inter-process communication issue existed among components of the desktop environment, so menu got the clicks but no action was performed.

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