Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOctober 27, 2015 at 13:26 in reply to: Terminal Server Node VD Session Unresponsive 30-60 Minutes After Connecting #8846graywolf
ParticipantSorry, my instructions were misleading. Search for Gnome config files and folders in directory $HOME, not $HOME/.nx.
ParticipantI cannot reproduce this issue. Could you describe more in detail the steps I should follow?
Let we look at log files from server side (the whole folder %ProgramData%\NoMachine\var\log) and configuration files (server.cfg and node.cfg in %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\NoMachine\etc).
Client log files could be also useful. You can find them in $HOME/.nx (Linux), “%USERPROFILE%\.nx” and “%USERPROFILE%\Documents\NoMachine” (Windows). Send everything to forum (at) nomachine (dot) com
October 12, 2015 at 09:58 in reply to: Terminal Server Node VD Session Unresponsive 30-60 Minutes After Connecting #8644graywolf
ParticipantMay I suggest to reset your custom configuration?
I noticed OpenNX created some files in the .nx folder. Please uninstall OpenNX at first.
Then clean up your configuration: move the %USERPROFILE%\.nx directory to a backup folder, let’s say %USERPROFILE%\dotnx (you could like to access your old configuration files later).
Do the same thing for the $HOME/.nx folder on the remote nodes.
Finally reset your Gnome configuration on NoMachine nodes:
- Be sure you have no desktop session running on the nodes (neither remote nor local).
- Reach nodes through SSH
- Create a backup folder for Gnome configuration files:
$ mkdir oldconfig
- Move current config files to backup:
$ mv .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity oldconfig
- Run NoMachine to create a remote Gnome session: configuration will be recreated.
October 7, 2015 at 10:34 in reply to: Terminal Server Node VD Session Unresponsive 30-60 Minutes After Connecting #8535graywolf
ParticipantI read your original report again:
I lose mouse and keyboard control to everything on the desktop except for the currently active window
It is possible the window manager grabbed keyboard and mouse and failed to release them. On the next time, try ro restart the window manager in the remote desktop:
$ metacity --replace
I also suggest to try the new NoMachine 5 release.
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
Participantnyholku, although this looks a “NoMachine for Mac OS X” topic I think this belongs to the same feature request.
I tried to workaround this issue using xmodmap to swap Ctrl and Super keys on the remote host, but with no success. It seems some major applications (I tried firefox and gedit) are hard-wired to use Ctrl key no matter if it is remapped in the X server keymap.
September 29, 2015 at 11:19 in reply to: Terminal Server Node VD Session Unresponsive 30-60 Minutes After Connecting #8409graywolf
ParticipantIssues similar to yours show up when a modifier key became stuck (because the “key released” event was caught by another application).
When problem occurs, try to press and release once all the modifiers (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, for both left and right hand) and verify if behavior came back to normal.
ParticipantI see this problem with this setup:
Client NX 3.5 for Windows -> Server 4.6.16 for Linux (Centos 6.5).
NX 3.5 cannot copy/paste non-latin charachters, but I didn’t find any issue copying from/to Linux and Windows when both sides run NoMachine 4.6.
Plase try running NoMachine 4 on both sides, don’t mix-up NX 3 and NoMachine 4. If this won’t solve your problem, please send relevant log files to forum (at) nomachine (dot) com
With “relevant log” I mean:
- /usr/NX/var/log and $HOME/.nx on Linux
- %ProgramData%\NoMachine\var\log and %USERPROFILE%\.nx on Windows
Please gather logs with troublesome session running and connected.
ParticipantI tried to reproduce without success.
Could you tell me how do you access the remote clients, through NoMachine as well?
What is the application you copy from and the one you paste to?
ParticipantHello hammett.
Thank you for suggestions. You’ll like to know the feature you proposed will be implemented.
ParticipantHello unlim.
Could you provide details about the operating systems on the both sides and whether the problem arises connecting to a physical or a virtual display?
ParticipantA Trouble Report was created about this issue:
ParticipantCould you send the content of %ProgramData%\NoMachine\var\log from the server? You can use email: forum ( at ) nomachine ( dot ) com
To workaround this issue, uncheck “Use acceleration for display processing” in NoMachine configuration of the server.
ParticipantHello captaink.
I reproduce a similar issue. By the way, I can see that server host gets the Cmd key: I keep the on screen keyboard open on the server host, and if I press Cmd on client, I see that Cmd key on the on screen keyboard is highlighted.
The shortcuts Cmd+Tab and Cmd+Space don’t work, indeed.
Could you clarify this point? Which description among the following two matches with issue you found:
- Cmd key event is not received at all by server host at
- Cmd key event is received, but shortcuts don’t work
ParticipantIt looks the same problem. No matter, you can go back and forth either with Alt+Tab or Alt+<desktop number>.
Trouble Report is here: