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  • in reply to: NoMachine launches without window (Mac) #33632

    Hi. Please open the Console application from Utilities menu, select “User Reports” on the left column and click on the most recent file in the list on the right that has prefix “nxplayer_”. Right click the selected file, choose “Reveal in Finder” in the context menu, then send that file to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
    Confirm here if there are no files with that prefix, so we’ll discuss another way to debug your issue.

    in reply to: Virtual session doesn’t match client resolution #33599

    Hi. Could you send here the output of the command xrandr -q executed in a terminal on the virtual desktop?


    The client is not swapping keys between Linux and macOS, so if you want to send Command + C you’ll have to press the keyboard button corresponding to “Command” on Mac (for example on a Windows keyboard it would be the Windows button). Can you confirm you’ve used shortcuts in this way?


    I tried it in fullscreen, windowed, another monitor, virtual desktop, with grab and without grab.

    You NEED keyboard grabbing if those shortcuts are being used by the local system. 🙂
    You’re probably using Wayland, this is the reason why it is not working. The problem is documented here:

    Since you’re using GNOME you can try the following workaround:

    1. Enable input grabbing in Wayland

    gsettings set org.gnome.mutter.wayland xwayland-allow-grabs true

    2. Print the whitelisted applications

    gsettings get org.gnome.mutter.wayland xwayland-grab-access-rules

    3. Append ‘nxplayer.bin’ to the existing application classes. “App A” is an example, your whitelist could be empty so you just need to add the player

    gsettings set org.gnome.mutter.wayland xwayland-grab-access-rules "['App A', 'nxplayer.bin']"

    4. Launch the player by enabling the active window grabbing

    /usr/NX/bin/nxplayer --activegrab


    Hi. Can you please verify if shortcuts are correctly forwarded when NoMachine client window is fullscreen? Don’t forget to enable keyboard grab option, it is required to catch also shortcuts used by your Linux system.



    NX 7.4.1 as many other 7.x release binaries shows problematic reliability on Linux.

    We’re not aware of reliability issues on Linux, so it would be great if you can share your experience.

    On this machine [ ubuntu 20.04 LTS ] there is a consistent high CPU load for /usr/NX/nxclient.bin –monitor –tray

    Ubuntu 20 is one of our most common Linux testing environments, we would have noticed an obvious problem. Do you mind collecting the following information and sending it to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com :
    – Directories with prefix “M-” in $HOME/.nx directory of the machine where nxclient.bin takes too much CPU
    – File top.txt created with the command top -b -n 5 -H -p $(pgrep nxclient.bin) > top.txt (it’ll require a few seconds to dump the data)
    – File strace.txt created with the command sudo strace -o strace.txt -tt -p $(pgrep nxclient.bin)

    If you’ve multiple nxclient.bin instances but only some of them have high CPU load, replace the “pgrep nxclient.bin” command with the PID of one of those instances.

    Looking at the binary there may be issues with dependencies for yet unclear reasons.

    The NoMachine libraries path is not in the default search path for dynamic linker, so if you want to print all dependencies you need to run LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/NX/lib ldd /usr/NX/bin/nxclient.bin.

    in reply to: Player crashes on Kubuntu 20.04 on login #33239

    Hi. The crash you reported is pretty weird and occurs in an unexpected call, so since you can easily reproduce it could you verify if there are other crash reports under /var/crash and extract also those stacks?
    Reading logs would be very helpful as well, you can compress your $HOME/.nx folder and send everything (logs and stacks) to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

    in reply to: Shortcut on desktop NoMachine version 7.1.3 #33213

    Hi. You could be using a NoMachine server discovered in LAN. In such a case connection settings are stored in a cache and there is not a connection file in the Documents/NoMachine folder.
    You could Edit such server entry, copy the IP and the Port, then go back and click the Add menu button to create a new connection with those same IP and Port. After you create this new connection file you can either use the Machines context menu to create a copy in another location, or create a shortcut to that file with Finder (right click, Make Alias).

    in reply to: Connection Proxy in version 7.4 #33035

    Hi. Version 7 introduced a big overhaul of the graphical user interfaces, and among those changes the proxy settings were moved from connection to client configuration. We understand your need, however adding also the configuration of the proxy in connection settings would be slightly confusing and impact the usability improvements we did to cover the most generic user needs.
    You could try a different solution not requiring to edit connection files, by using the client command line option --config to select a custom configuration file. Configure the proxy and rename the file %USERPROFILE%\.nx\config\player.cfg (Windows path) for every configuration you need. Create a shortcut by copy-pasting the one created by default on desktop, edit properties of the new shortcut and add the option --config C:\Users\<username>\.nx\config\<config filename>.cfg to the Target field. You can name the shortcut to identify the proxy configuration and use it. This is the procedure for Windows, but on Linux and Mac it’s very similar.

    in reply to: Don’t use a proxy for is not working #33027

    Unfortunately there is something not working as expected, and as a result the list is ignored. Thank you for the report! We’ve documented it here:

    in reply to: MacBook to iPad can’t resize screen #33026

    Hi. Did you try to enable the Resize remote screen option? If the MacBook can apply the iPad’s resolution it’ll look better for sure.

    in reply to: Logging on to cloud server #33015

    The NX protocol is the default, so you could create a new connection and add just the hostname to be ready. However you can modify an existing connection by selecting it in the connections list, by clicking the Edit button in the top menu and by using the Protocol combo to switch to NX.

    NoMachine connection edit panel

    Besides this, do you mind sharing what was the tricky part of the install process? It would be helpful to improve it.

    in reply to: Logging on to cloud server #33006

    Hi Steve. It looks like the client has problems to interact with the remote shell when connecting through SSH. Is using NX protocol an option for you? In that case you would bypass the remote shell usage, because the server side process is executed by the NXD daemon.

    in reply to: NoMachine opens in wrong resolution #32911

    Hi. Are you connecting to the Linux physical desktop? I suspect in that case we’re not correctly restoring the previous resolution, we’ll check it but your confirmation would be useful.
    As for the window screen position and geometry, could you please send a screenshot of your displays layout from Windows “Screen resolution” settings panel? The client window saves its position and geometry when closing, but when it fails to restore them it falls back to a different position, so checking your layout might help to reproduce the issue.

    It actually appears to be changing the server resolution, despite my startup option to “Don’t resize the remote display”, as if I open a spreadsheet, and then change to 2560×1600, it definitely updates to display more rows and columns.

    When you select “Don’t resize the remote display” you’re only deciding to not resize it in that right moment, but if you change the geometry later from Display settings or by enabling the remote resize option, then desktop is resized accordingly. Basically that panel optionally sends a single resize when the connection to the desktop starts, which is useful for many users not wishing to change the geometry afterwards.

    in reply to: Ctrl/command shortcut keys for Windows #32568

    Hi. Could you tell us what is the VM software, Windows and macOS versions? We’d like to run a test.
    The grab keyboard input on Windows is always “active” and we’re not aware of such difficulties in using keyboard shortcuts, so we need to understand what is interfering with the input catching. I’ve some questions:

    • Are all shortcuts ignored in the same way, or some of them pass through?
    • When a shortcut is ignored, does it trigger an action on Windows?
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