Forum Replies Created
ModeratorHi yaris,
I still think you are facing the same bug of the other post. This crash occurs when the UDP negotiation fails, whatever the reason that makes it fail. The correct behaviour would be to fallback to TCP silently.
A fix to that TR will be released very soon in the next update.
ModeratorHi cameron,
here are two possible issues. The first one is about the failure in establishing a connection and it seems the same issue tracked here: The normal behaviour would be that the connection falls back to using TCP seamlessly.
The second possible issue is about UDP being not functional with the firewall enabled, regardless the exception rule. We will do more tests in our labs with the same environment. Thanks for reporting!
ModeratorHi smartin,
the problem was known and a fix will be released with the next update.
Here you can track the issue:
ModeratorHi babbtong,
we were not able to reproduce the described issue with the same platforms. Can you please tell us:
1) Are you connecting to a headless Mac (no monitor plugged)? If yes, is it possible to try with a monitor attached?
2) Is 3D acceleration enabled in VMWare Fusion? Can you try to tweak this setting?
3) What is the version of VMWare Fusion?
4) Does the whole VMWare screen refresh when you pass the mouse over it, or only the pixels under the mouse pointer?
ModeratorWe reproduced this issue in our labs and opened a Trouble Report for tracking it:
Thank you for reporting 🙂
ModeratorThank you for the feedback.
Here is the related Trouble Report: It will be fixed in the next update.
ModeratorHi Tim,
we recently found a problem with UDP that could arise in particular conditions. Please try to disable UDP: Edit the connection -> Advanced -> uncheck “Use UDP communication for multimedia data”.
June 12, 2015 at 14:19 in reply to: NoMachine 4.4.12 black screen connecting from Win 8.1 to Mac OS X Yosemite #7469fra81
ModeratorLogs show that the server is trying to use the H.264 codec even if it is not available. You should be OK with the workaround of disabling H.264 forcedly. Click on the NoMachine tray icon on the server (on the Mac), then on “Show the server status” -> “Server preferences” -> “Performance” -> “Use a specific display encoding” and select VP8.
We are not able to reproduce this problem in our labs, even when H.264 is not available. So would you be willing to help us in identifying the problem, we would need to gather more logs. Attached is a debug library with verbose logging enabled. It should be placed on server side as per following instructions:
1) sudo /Applications/ –shutdown
2) untar and place the attached library in the /Applications/ directory (make a backup copy of the original)
3) sudo /Applications/ –startup
4) reproduce and send us server side logsAttachments:
ModeratorPlease disregard my request for logs. We checked your logs already but unfortunately they didn’t help to point out the problem. We’re trying to reproduce the issue in our labs.
ModeratorHi chatmoa,
we were not aware of this problem. We will be testing with the same environment. In the meanwhile, server side logs could be useful. You can gather them by following the instructions in You can attach here or send to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ModeratorLib names had “-<number>.dll” so I tried using with and without those additions in name (example: libav.dll and libav-56.dll). And still no luck.
That said for avcodec, how did you rename avutil? Maybe a screenshot of the content of your bin directory could help to clarify 🙂
In any case, everything should work out of the box if you just copy the zaranoe libraries without renaming.On a Linux side, I did compiling per instructions for server host, and confirmed libs are moved on correct location with correct permissions. You asked me for a ls -l command output so here it is:
And here seems all correct.
At this point you could send us the logs for further investigation. Please find the instructions in You can attach the logs here or send directly to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.
ModeratorHi Snejok,
Could you confirmed or not that it is not recommended to use this browser via NX. In FF the fonts appear normal.
we were not aware of this bug in Chromium, so we can’t deny or confirm at the moment.
Maybe also Is it a reason of slow scrolling in chromium in NX?
Yes, if the whole page is rendered as a bitmap, surely this can be a reason for slowness.
Thanks for reporting.
ModeratorIs there a way to determine which machine has properly installed h264 support for NoMachine besides trying to connect two machines and checking Display -> Change settings?
Correction: when the x264 library loading fails on server side, you would find the following lines in the display server log (in /usr/NX/var/log/node/C-* dir on linux):
Warning: Can’t load H.264 codec library.
Warning: Child process 7807 exited with code 2, ‘No such file or directory’.fra81
ModeratorHi milovan,
please find my tips inline.
Basically, on Windows I downloaded ffmpeg with shared option, copied from it libavcodec.dll and libavutil.dll into <install_path_of_nomachine>/bin.
Did you download the Zeranoe ffmpeg build maybe? In this case you need to copy also swresample-1.dll, which is a additional dependency of that package.
On Linux, I placed .so files into /usr/NX/lib and made sure permissions are exact like on other libs. Additionally, I also installed yasm for compiling from server article (which passed with no issues), as well as installing package h264enc (which is a shell script that makes it easy to encode DVD or video files to H.264; I read somewhere this package suggestion in search results) which pulls a few dependencies with codecs.
What .so files did you copy? Please list the installation directory content: ‘ls -l /usr/NX/lib’. Note that in order to enable H.264 on the server, you need the x264 library modified by us. You can either download it from and build it from source as explained in the article, or install the AVC Pack. The h264enc package you mention would not help.
I suspect that might be a problem in Kubuntu 14.04 which doesn’t have FFMPEG but its fork avconv (present on the machine) and that NoMachine possibly is looking for FFMPEG name rather than forked one, but I am not sure if that is a case.
We didn’t test so far with avconv.
Is there a way to determine which machine has properly installed h264 support for NoMachine besides trying to connect two machines and checking Display -> Change settings?
There’s not, at the moment.
Note that you need libx264 from our website on the server, ffmpeg on the client. If you need to connect also to the other direction and you want to use H.264 in both directions, you need libx264 and ffmpeg on both machines.
ModeratorPlease check the following:
1) is the “Resize remote screen” button selected in the NoMachine toolbar?
2) is the desired resolution listed among the available ones when accessing the system display settings in the remote virtual desktop?
3) do you have a .config/monitors.xml file in the user’s home on the server?
The monitor.xml file could force a certain resolution. If this is the case, you could either remove that file, or choose a different resolution by using the system settings menu in the remote desktop.