Forum Replies Created
Participant@w_ri: in the xev output the mouse events are completely missing. We need to rebuild NoMachine libs with verbose logging enabled in order to find where events are lost. We’ll contact you by mail to provide the debug libs.
@graphixillusion: Windows is the server, I guess. In that case xev is useless for debugging. Please write to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com to receive debug libraries and instructions.graywolf
Participantdid you try to run xev tool in the remote session when the problem occurred? that sounds like any modifier key stayed in the “pressed” state.
October 6, 2017 at 09:44 in reply to: Keyboard gets stuck using NoMachine + Guild Wars 2 over Wine 64 #15983graywolf
Participant@MadMartian, thanks for that new pieces of info, they are useful in trying to reproduce.
Let me ask you a thing about the way you are using NoMachine.
If I understand, you play the game sitting in front of the computer acting as NoMachine server. On the other side, you have a computer utlilising a TV as screen for spectators’. Then NoMachine client is run on the spectators’ computer, showing them what you are doing on yours, including playing Guild Wars 2 in Wine.
Is it correct?
In that case, did you try to restrict remote screen sharing to view-only mode? It is enough you change key VirtualDesktopMode in /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg on the NoMachine server host.
ParticipantThanks for reporting. Debian sid provides the latest available libraries, so it is possible. By the way we are going to investigate in order to address this issue on our side.
ParticipantVirtualGL is turned off. The nxnode.bin process is using the video card for other purposes, likely video encoding.
Try to turn it off. In node.cfg change this key to 0:
# # Enable or disable use of the hardware encoder. # # 1: Enabled. Use the hardware encoder if supported by the graphics # card. # # 0: Disabled. Don't use the hardware encoder. # #EnableHardwareEncoding 1
Then restart server with
sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --restart
ParticipantDid you turn off VirtualGL in node.cfg:
# # Enable or disable loading VirtualGL libraries when starting virtual # desktops on Linux. # # 1: Enabled. This make OpenGL applications able to use server side # graphics hardware. # # 0: Disabled. VirtualGL libraries are not loaded. # #EnableVirtualGLSupport 0
May I ask you which kind of troubles you got with VirtualGL?
ParticipantWhen session is active press Ctrl+Alt+0 to access the menu then Display then Change settings.
Take a screenshot of the settings for the two cases (Windows connected to remote OSX, vice versa).graywolf
ParticipantThanks for reporting, ufm. That crash obviously has to be fixed by developers. If you had a core dump or (even better) a stack trace it would be great.
About performance, on top of a gigabit link with low latency ssh -X should run quite fast. NoMachine makes optimizations to reduce bandwidth and latency basing on the perfomance of the link, so you shouldn’t see difference on a fast, low-latency link, but with lower quality links you would see NoMachine still running quite well and ssh -X getting unusable. Thanks for reporting this, too.
ParticipantThat looks an issue with a corrupted Gnome configuration rather than NoMachine itself. I’d suggest to search log files ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/messages for Gnome-related messages. Then a reset of desktop config files for the affected users could help. Configurations are generally stored in hidden folders and files under the home directory. Try to stop any instance of Gnome for the affected user, kill any remaining gnome process that wasn’t terminated, then move all the configurations in a backup directory:
cd ~
mkdir config-backup
mv .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity .cache .dbus .dmrc .mission-control .thumbnails .config .compiz config-backup
Then check if problem is solved.
ParticipantIf you want to match your client resolution, I think the best way would be this: run the NoMachine client, go full screen, connect to the server and check “Change the server resolution to match the client when I connect”.
If that doesn’t work, it is possible that NoMachine is connecting to the “physical” screen of the AWS machine where available resolutions are pre-determined. In that case could be helpful turning the GUI display off on AWS. If graphical display is off NoMachine will launch a virtual display that is more flexible about screen resolutions:
(for Ubuntu 16.04)
sudo systemctl set-default
sudo systemctl stop lightdm.service
ParticipantChange this in <NoMachine install dir>/etc/server.cfg to 0 (view-only):
# # Set the interaction level for the session connected to the physical # desktop: # # 0: View-only. The session is connected to the desktop in # view-only mode, i.e. the user can't interact with the # physical desktop. # # 1: Restricted. User connected to the physical desktop can # interact with the desktop except for resize operations. # # 2: Interactive. User connected to the physical desktop has # full interaction with the desktop. # PhysicalDesktopMode 1
Or check the related box in the NoMachine Preferences interface.
ParticipantCheck if view-only mode helps.
Edit server.cfg to change to “0” the value of PhysicalDesktopMode. Location of server.cfg depends on the OS:
- Linux: /usr/NX/etc
- Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\NoMachine\etc directory
- Mac: /Applications/
As an alternative to that, use the NoMachine tray icon on the server to access “Server preferences” then go to the “Security” tab and check “Require permission to let the remote users interact with the desktop”.
ParticipantHello, I tried xdotool directly and it looks working. In a terminal with bash, the command:
$ while true; do x=$[$RANDOM%256]; y=$[$RANDOM%256]; echo "Moving to ($x, $y)"; xdotool mousemove $x $y; sleep 2 ; xdotool getmouselocation; done
shows that move succeeded and was not changed nor blocked.
Can you suggest a simple Sikuli example I could try?
ParticipantHello, we opened a trouble report about that issue:
Check “Notify me when the TR is closed” to receive news about it.
ParticipantHello logisticz.
Would you tell me if your work PC is a laptop or desktop computer?
Are there mouse and keyboard attached to the work PC when you access it from home?