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  • in reply to: Cannot detect any display running #30128

    What distribution are you using?

    in reply to: Change NoMachine virtual desktop user #30123

    The term “virtual desktop” in NoMachine refers to the Terminal Server products. Maybe you are referring to virtual desktops as the VMs where you have installed Enterprise Desktop?

    Enterprise Desktop (version 6) is for access to the physical display, and when the host is headless on Linux (no local X server found) NoMachine creates a “virtual” one using its own embedded X server.

    I think you know about these already, but I’ll paste them here for other readers. The following keys in  the server configuration file allow for managing the behavior of the server when it needs to create the X11 display:

    # Enable or disable the automatic creation of an X11 display when no
    # X servers are running on this host (e.g. headless machine) to let
    # users connect to the desktop. This setting applies to NoMachine
    # servers not supporting virtual desktops and permits to have one
    # single display.
    # 1: Enabled. NoMachine will create automatically the new display at
    # server startup. This setting has to be used in conjunction with
    # ‘DisplayOwner’ and ‘DisplayGeometry’.
    # 0: Disabled. NoMachine will prompt the user for creating the new
    # display. This is the default.
    #CreateDisplay 0

    # When ‘CreateDisplay’ is enabled, specify the display owner and let
    # NoMachine create the new display without querying the user. If the
    # server supports only one concurrent connection, the connecting user
    # must be the display owner set in this key.
    #DisplayOwner “”

    in reply to: Cannot connect with non-root account #30115

    How do I fix this?

    Questions about how you should configure your Ubuntu system and SSHD would be better off in the Ubuntu forums 😉


    And shouldn’t the NoMachine installer fix this on installation?

    How would NoMachine be able to do that if it doesn’t know a priori exactly what you did to your system and how you did it? Besides the fact that altering a systems configuration during installation would be unacceptable to most users. NoMachine adapts to what the system’s configuration is set to do when it is installed.

    BTW, just a note on SSH support in the free version should you wish to connect using SSH once you’ve fixed your system’s configuration; the free version supports connections via NX. If you want to connect using SSH, you should try the Enterprise Desktop product.

    in reply to: UHD resolution for Win10 VM on Azure? #30114

    When connecting with RDP you can have the UHD resolution because RDP creates a virtual desktop which doesn’t depend on GPU capabilities.

    When connecting with NoMachine to the physical desktop, the maximum resolution you can get is the maximum resolution supported by the remote graphics card.

    in reply to: Cannot connect with non-root account #30111

    No, non-privileged users cannot connect via SSH

    Then it’s a problem with how you have configured authentication on your system if even with plain SSH users are getting authentication errors.

    NoMachine relies on the authentication settings configured on the system, so if that’s not set properly, it won’t work for NoMachine either.

    Check this and then rectify. Then try again with NoMachine.

    in reply to: Cannot connect with non-root account #30104

    See above. Also check whether those users can log in to the remote host by plain SSH.

    in reply to: Change NoMachine virtual desktop user #30098


    Enterprise Desktop is a product for access to the physical desktop of the remote server.  That means anyone connecting will connect to the physical display of the host. Multiple users can connect and see the same physical desktop (not their own individual virtual one).

    By default anyone connecting to a desktop that is not their own must receive authorization from the owner of the desktop. You can read more about this here:

    How to authorize connections to remote desktop automatically or only upon owner’s authorization with NoMachine

    The article you mention is for NoMachine virtual desktops which are obtained if you have a product from the Terminal Server range,  such as Workstation (this supports up to 4 virtual desktops). Anyone connecting will get their own virtual Linux desktop.

    How do I get the NX server to stop trying to use my username in the desktop session and allow users to create a new vd session as themselves?

    Any product from the Terminal Server range lets users create a new virtual session so they each have their own individual desktop instance. Check what you have installed again and if it is not one from the Terminal Server range, you can get the latest version from our website (6.12).


    in reply to: Cannot connect with non-root account #30099

    Can you specify what NoMachine software is installed on server – the free version, Workstation, something else?

    What error message/dialog is being shown when non-root users try to connect? Screenshots would be helpful.

    in reply to: Can no longer connect #30082

    I suggest you to sign up to the Trouble Report using the ‘notify me’ which you can find if you follow the link I pasted earlier.


    EDIT: the TR above was solved with the release of version 7.0.208.

    in reply to: Remote access to VM #30066

    NoMachine will connect you to the monitor which is physically available on the server. It cannot connect you to a virtual display running on Windows in the background (only our Linux products support that feature).

    The only way I’ve been able to get it to work is to disable authorization for remote connections on the VM’s NM Service which then allows the instructor to connect with the VM using NoMachine.

    If you make the instructor a trusted user, he/she will be able to connect without needing desktop authorization. Students connecting with a secondary account(s) can then connect in view-only mode. Please see the guide for more information here:

    Remember to re-enable the “authorization required” that you have disabled.


    in reply to: Can no longer connect #30055

    What desktop environment is it? It looks similar to this Wayland-related issue found on Arch:

    in reply to: Stuck at installation – bypass password? #30039

    Just to clarify, you are connecting from Android to Windows or are you connecting to the localhost? On reading again what you originally wrote this is not clear.

    Anyway, to be able to understand why you are not able to log in to the Windows host because of “wrong password” we need to see the logs from the Windows computer. Please see here for details on what to send us, you can attach the file to an email and send directly to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com. Thank you!

    in reply to: What is the last number of the installer name #30026

    You’ll find the answer to your question in the section “The build number” of the following article 🙂

    NoMachine packages naming convention and usage

    in reply to: Wrong keyboard layout on login (azerty needed) #30022

    Thanks for posting 🙂

    in reply to: Cannot detect display running #30009

    We’ve managed to reproduce it and opened a Trouble Report. Please sign up to receive notification of the fix at the following link:

    NoMachine server cannot detect Wayland local display on Arch Linux

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