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  • in reply to: Viewing number of connected users per server #27268

    Hi, you are referring to version 5 when Cloud Server could be used in a ‘server-to-node’ set-up. With the release of version 6 we changed the focus to ‘server-to-server’ and Cloud Server became a federation server.

    In the past few months we have been adding improvements to Cloud Server, one of which is the soon to be released feature (probably next week) of being able to see whether other users are connected. It will eliminate your students’ frustration, I’m sure.

    Displaying the number of users connected to the child servers

    is there a way of hiding any servers that don’t have any connections available?

    Not at the moment, but in a successive release (I can’t say which right now), this other feature is planned:

    Giving the possibility to exclude an Enterprise Desktop from the Cloud Server architecture

    This will also be of interest to you I believe.

    in reply to: NoMachine Enterprise Desktop setup on Mac #27214

    Did you already follow the instructions in the both the tutorial and the installation/configuration guide? and

    in reply to: Using resolutions higher than native #27206

    When the connecting to the physical desktop, the supported resolutions are those of the remote graphics card as listed in the System settings on the server. I.e., the session resolution on the client cannot be higher than the maximum resolution supported by the remote graphics card.

    More information is here:
    Resize and scaling options for NoMachine client version 4 or later

    in reply to: NoMachine via Internet connection #27205

    Correct. It hasn’t been released yet. It will be released in one of the next major updates.

    in reply to: Trying to sort out Enterprise setup #27162

    But did you actually run the commands I mentioned in my reply here?

    1. Run commands changing nxaudio permissions (if you didn’t do it earlier).

    sudo chmod -R 755 /Applications/
    sudo chown  -R root:wheel /Applications/

    2. Run command

    sudo kextutil -v 4 /Applications/

    and paste/attach the output to the reply

    3. After that check if kext nxaudio is loaded (via kextutil in 2.) using command:

    kextstat | grep nxau

    in reply to: NoMachine crashes on Ubuntu 18.04 #27161

    There were some errors, possibly because the files are too big (there is a limit to the size of the file that can be attached). Please send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com.

    in reply to: Trying to sort out Enterprise setup #27141

    Did you run “kextstat | grep nx” before the sudo commands or after having executed the sudo commands?

    in reply to: NoMachine crashes on Ubuntu 18.04 #27109

    Hi, please submit the server side logs which didn’t attach to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com making sure you reference the title of your topic in the subject of your email. I extracted the partial excerpt of log that you included in your topic as a separate txt file because it was quite long. What we need is the complete set of server-side logs.



    in reply to: Host key verification failed #27103

    It’s not clear whether you’re trying to connect with public key, or mapping ssh port. In any case, the best thing for you to do is send us the logs from the non-working Windows server (the one you are not able to connect to). Follow the instructions here and then send them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com making sure you reference the title of the topic in the subject of your email.

    Then from the client side, either the RPi4 or the working Windows host, send us the .nx folder.

    in reply to: Trying to sort out Enterprise setup #27095

    We’ve opened a Trouble Report which contains the workaround I provided earlier:

    AD mobile accounts cannot create sessions on macOS at the first login if they cannot access their home

    in reply to: Errors on CentOS 6 server #27091

    Send us the full set of logs from the server side and we can take a look to see what’s happening. We’re not able to reproduce this behaviour which is very strange, as Mth suggested.

    Follow the instructions here and then submit them to forum[at]nomachine[dot]com making sure you put the title of the topic as the subject. Thanks!

    in reply to: Support for PiZero- non Raspbian OS – ARMv6 #27089

    Hi,  we ordered one and will test it. Watch this space for updates on our findings.


    This is a known bug.

    Please use the ‘notify me’ service to receive an email when a fix has been released.

    in reply to: NoMachine server will not run after re-install #27080

    Looks like you don’t have enough disk space. What you need to do is have a clean of your server and make some space on your server host.

    System requirements necessary for NoMachine software products are provided on the download pages of each product, so for example, Terminal Server,, and also in the relative Installation Guide, “Prequisites” section. For TS we indicate general guidelines of 1 GB RAM and 195 MB free disk space.

    NoMachine software is installed by default in /usr/NX so you must guarantee that the partition where you have installed it has the amount of space that we indicate. If you can’t clear up space on that partition for whatever reason, you can install it in a different location (/opt/NX) on a different partition, see the Installation and Configuration Guide paragraph 3 for further details about that Simply make sure that the new location on the alternative partition has enough space.

    in reply to: Trying to sort out Enterprise setup #27076

    NoMachine Cloud Server – Installation and Configuration Guide
    Par. 3.3. Advanced Configurations for NoMachine Servers’ Hierarchy

    Add Enterprise Desktop to Cloud Server by forcing the ‘tunnel’ method. To do that, execute on the Cloud Server host:

    nxserver --serveradd IP_of_ED --forward-nx-methods tunnel
    nxserver --serveradd IP_of_ED --forward-ssh-methods tunnel

    Does this help?

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