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  • in reply to: Authentication failed with error 12 #36253

    Thanks for letting us know.

    in reply to: Keyboard not showing AZERTY mode #36252

    Thanks for letting us know.

    in reply to: How to completely remove NoMachine? #36244
    in reply to: The issue closed but still reproducible from my side #36223

    Hi, we will be reopening this TR. Thanks for reporting it to us.

    in reply to: Keyboard not showing AZERTY mode #36215

    This looks like this problem here, which is not a bug in NoMachine but in Xorg. Please try the fix that we provided and follow the steps to verify if it is this problem or not.

    Keyboard layout is wrong when sharing a physical desktop

    in reply to: Avoid password after connecting to KDE VNC session #36213

    I may have misunderstood what you wrote, but for sure NoMachine cannot, and should not, pass the password to your system’s lock-screen.


    We’ve tried workaround with dummy xorg – and it works fine – without requiring an extra restart. There could be something wrong with your configuration maybe? Can you try disabling the Display manager like in point 3 of this self-help article?

    How to solve black screen on Linux headless machines?

    in reply to: Avoid password after connecting to KDE VNC session #36206

    The image you show is not the NoMachine login – it’s a system login.  So for example you need to look at the OS manual on how to set auto-login.

    in reply to: Local cursor for remote connections to Mac #36169

    Nyquist, did you manage to install the debug package we provided?

    in reply to: Cmd vs Control #36168

    At the moment no, but we have plans to implement a way to be able to configure how the modifier keys are mapped.

    Provide an interface enabling user to configure modifier keys

    This feature is under heavy development right now.

    in reply to: MacOS 12 Monterrey compatibility? #36165

    Hi, we are in the process of testing and will eventually add support for Monterey to our official list – it will more than likely make the next software update. Initial tests show that it is safe to update.

    One issue that has been reported, and might be of interest to you, involves the playing of video in the Safari browser. Please check the article we have published in our KB here:

    Laggy audio in YouTube on Safari with NoMachine 7.7.4

    in reply to: Black screen if not logged in #36164

    Hi, please take a look at this similar topic There is also a link to an article in our KB which has some tips for trouble-shooting. Let us know if this helps.

    in reply to: Still not working well on DeX #36083

    Hi, we’d say that the major iOS and Android update is actually behind schedule. The reason is that the upcoming version 8 for desktop took more time than initially expected. Especially the major features that it will bring with it. The good news is that we plan to release the new version for mobile just after we release version 8 for desktop. The main problem with both the iOS and the Android versions is that we had to update the SDK used, for both. This required more time than expected, especially with the “further interactions” with the user, mandated by “policies”. But again, good news! New versions coming just after version 8 for desktop!

    in reply to: Full screen display on Mac #35951

    Just to clarify the use of the shortcut to fullscreen on macOS.

    Ctrl-Alt-F sends the NoMachine player window to full screen on all operating systems. This is to be consistent across all OSes that we support, so multi-platform users can adopt the same shortcut regardless of what OS they are connecting from.

    We also made it so Command-Alt-F still remains for users connecting to remote macOS computers. If you want to send the remote application running in the session to full-screen, you can.


    in reply to: System tray quick connect buttons in 7 #35815

    Thanks very much for taking the time to provide this feedback. In version 7 we redesigned the interface in order to make the opening of, and access to, multiple sessions faster because this is the most common use we have found amongst our users and what our users asked us for more frequently. The connection links were removed from the systray to put these recent connections in the Machines panel which can be reached in two clicks (one click on the monitor in the systray, one click on ‘Main window’). This, by the way, also allows us to declutter the !M systray icon: a space that we need as we move forward with our development roadmap.

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